Scott Murray

493: Scott Murray on Active Carbon Sequestration

Researching how urban farmers can increase the performance of our landscapes. – In This Podcast: If the term active carbon sequestration has you picturing scientists in hazmat suits, you aren’t alone! Returning guest Scott Murray shares how to harness the power of nature and use home landscaping to…

492: Christopher Peterson on Urban Farming with Vets

Working with military vets to share urban farming skills. – In This Podcast: AOVS Urban Farm is much more than CSA and Farmers Market produce. The farm is home to veterans, and Christopher Peterson discusses the immense benefits for the veterans who work on the farm and the challenges of…

Jason Johns profile pic

491: Jason Johns on Vertical Gardening.

Using the space above planters to the best advantage. – In This Podcast: Sometimes it just doesn’t feel like we have enough space in our gardens! Returning guest, Jason Johns, shares his solution that increased the yield per square foot from his garden, different styles of vertical gardens, and…

489: Abraham Noe-Hays on Fertilizer from Urine

Changing the world by reclaiming nutrients lost from our bodies. – In This Podcast: What is your first thought when you think of using urine as fertilizer? Abraham Noe-Hays from the Rich Earth Institute may change your mind. Urine contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all things…

Chris Smith

488: Chris Smith about Saving Seed Diversity

Documenting the many unique aspects in seed varieties. – In This Podcast: The Utopian Seed Project’s Chris Smith shares how they are focusing on bringing seed and food diversity to the south. They are currently testing southern crops such as cowpeas, heritage beans, and…

Clint Hickman

486: Clint Hickman on Building Community Sustainability

Honoring a family heritage of nurturing neighbors. – In This Podcast: Most people in Arizona are familiar with Hickman’s eggs, but there is so much more to this family-run business than eggs! Clint Hickman shares with us the evolution of egg farming and how his family business grew enough to feed Phoenix. He also explains all the side businesses…

485: Jolene Kuty on Abundant Holistic Harvests

Creating a full circle food system that connects family and community. – In This Podcast: Wholistic living has taken on a whole new meaning for Jolene Kuty! Through learning about health, she went from eating cheese infused hot dogs to working as a chiropractic physician surrounded by her…

Kristie Kapp

484: Kristie Kapp on Eco-Edible Landscaping

Helping others understand and create food forests. – In This Podcast: Eco-edible landscaping sounds like a cool new method, but it incorporates many of the tried and true methods of permaculture. Kristie Kapp educates on building a food forest and how to incorporate 7 layers, support plants, and…

Tiffany Panaccione

483: Tiffany Panaccione on Starting an Urban Farm Business

Moving from dreaming about it, to doing what it takes to grow a farm. – In This Podcast: How does an having an adventurous spirit, practicing yoga and following your intuition lead someone to start a farm? Listen in to learn how Tiffany Panaccione plans to turn her dream of farming into a profitable…

480: Kevin Espiritu on his Apocalypse Grow Survival Challenge

Experimenting with living off existing food sources for difficult times. — In This Podcast: We followed up with Kevin Espiritu to hear the results of his Apocalypse Survival Challenge. Could you survive for a whole month only eating what you grow, fish, barter, or forage? Hear how Kevin used his 200 square foot gardening space, community foodscapes, and trade to…