474: Amy Lacey on Cooking with Cauliflower

Taking an everyday vegetable to the table in delicious new ways. — In This Podcast: After Amy Lacey’s health took a downturn and she wanted to bring some normalcy back to her family’s routine, she tried a recipe for a vegetable she did not really like. Little did she know how a bland vegetable could make such a…

469: Francey Slater on Urban Ag and Food Justice

Creating resilience in an urban community. — In This Podcast: It was after spending some time out of the country that Francey Slater woke to the poor American relationship with food.  This motivated her towards food justice and making a difference in her community.  With a belief that healthy food is a right for everyone, she co-founded…

466: Shannon McBride on Successful Community Collaboration

Bringing residents, local government, and businesses together to build an epic garden and so much more. — In This Podcast: The area Shannon McBride grew up in had experienced a tumultuous change when the Phoenix light rail was built right down the middle of it. Instead of allowing herself or her neighbors to get angry, she decided to build a collaboration for the area. Building around a vision for a safe, walkable community, she started…

465: Bobby Wilson on Five Acres in Atlanta

Empowering a community through the benefits of growing food in the middle of the city. — In This Podcast: After running the Cooperative Extension Program for Urban Gardening in Atlanta, and taking leadership roles in several other community organizations, Bobby Wilson was not going to stop when he retired! Instead, he invested his retirement money into…

454: Matt Smith on Family Life with a Garden

Finding joy and adventure in the backyard with kids and nature. — In This Podcast: We welcome back Matt Smith from Smith House Design to hear more about improving family life with a garden. Matt and his wife have created a learning environment in their backyard full of fruit trees, plants, and…

450: Katie Crichtley on Building a Farm Community

Farming with an eye on the future. — In This Podcast: The home purchase was going to be a stretch, but she could not escape the pull.  After several visits, Katie Critchley took the leap and this farming community is much more than she expected.  The appeal was so strong…

446: Kasey McCaslin on Making Craft Chocolate

Grinding out award-winning chocolate. — In This Podcast: Early influences helped Kasey McCaslin develop a love for food and making things, and that eventually led her to try making small-batch chocolate to sell at the farmers market.  From there she has gone on to develop recipes that have earned…

443: Jason Johns on Growing Tomatoes

Jason Johns profile pic

443: Jason Johns on Growing Tomatoes Growing delicious produce – in the garden, an allotment or in the greenhouse! Jason is the author of Growing Tomatoes: Your Guide to Growing […]

442: Emily Heller on Growing Food for Locals and Small Restaurants

Emily Heller Profile Pic

Living the good life while selling from a small farm . In This Podcast: How does one become a farmer when you haven’t gone to school for agriculture? Emily Heller did just that using local education programs and opportunities. Here, she discusses successful selling as a small space producer, parameters for success in gardening, and…

441: Jill Shea as a Woman in the World of Aquaponics

Jill Shea

Finding purpose in educating about indoor farming . In This Podcast: We had the pleasure of talking aquaponics with Jill Shea from Trifecta Ecosystems. Trifecta Ecosystems practices sustainable farming in their aquaponics farm and educates the community to grow their own food as part of the…

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Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.