827: Farmer Karl Ebling on The Declaration of Common Ground

Farmer Karl, with 33 years of corporate experience, transitioned to farming to uplift communities by founding Eden Streets in 2020. He worked with women facing homelessness in Salt Lake City and now runs Grow Ogden Farm in Utah, integrating job training and social missions for vulnerable individuals. His initiative connects people with agriculture, fostering self-sufficiency and reducing homelessness. Additionally, through his Declaration of Common Ground, Carl aspires to unite global community-based farming efforts to address societal challenges.

814: Albert Wilde on Wool Pellet Organic Fertilizer

Regenerative farming is all about using everything in the system and not having any waist. What if you were a farmer and found a place that there was a 20% waste stream on your farm? Albert Wilde of Wild Valley Sheep Farm invented a new way to fertilize his wife’s houseplants and it is turning into an innovate new way to fertilize and have our soil retain water. Join us as Albert and I chat about what is in my opinion one of the most innovative fertilizer inventions of the decade!

788: It’s Not Too Late to Plant Your Fruit Trees

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. It’s not to late to plant your fruit trees and you know the old adage the best time to plant a tree is now and 20 years ago. So let’s get to it and plant our trees. Join Greg and Romey as they explore what ultimate fruit tree success really means and how not to waist our time on trees that just don’t do all that well.

782: Patio Farming – Growing Food in Pots and Containers – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. What if farming could be simple? A few pots on the patio, either back or front and you are growing food for yourself and the neighborhood. Join Greg as he chats with Kari Spencer about Patio Farming and how to get it done. It is really that simple.

778: Get Saving Those Seeds, It’s Easier Than You Think – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. Join Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson as they chat about the 5 easiest seeds to save. The first one discussed is how to save tomatoes. Plus they share about their yearly event called the GreatAmericanSeedUp.org that is the biggest seed saving bazaar in the country. There is nothing else like it!

Farmer Greg under a tree

609: Growing Cover Crops for Multiple Benefits

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes –  Marlene Simon from Flower Power Garden Hour Podcast returns to reveal the many ways that cover crops can be used in the garden to add nitrogen, shade, moisture, and more. Marlene explains the process of…

608: Jon Hayes on Online Farmers Marketplace

Expanding farmers reach to customers with busy schedules: We hear from Jon Hayes about a new app he created and launched that brings local food even closer to home. Jon tells us how his app has many benefits outside of local food sourcing, and essentially can be utilized for anything to do with…

Farmer Greg under a tree

607: Watching for Contaminants in Your Soil

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes –  Kristina Hunter from Live. Well. Green Podcast educates us on the many sources and types of contaminants that can be found in soil, especially in an urban garden. While some sources are evident, Kristina calls attention…

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems…: Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

Farmer Greg under a tree

605: Using Biodynamic Approaches to Farming and Gardening

Farmer Friday: Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes –  Greg is joined by Andrew Faust, host of Permaculture Perspectives podcast, and he gives us an in-depth look at a Eurocentric approach to growing plants called biodynamic farming. A term coined by…