651: Thinking Outside the Garden Box

A Garden Chat with Raymond Jess. – Farmer Greg talks with Raymond Jess and Janis Norton, from the Urban Farm, about a multitude of variations on the traditional garden box. They share their own experiences and discuss the unique advantages of each type of bed, covering topics such as how they…

620: Water In and For Our Landscape

A Garden Chat with Don Titmus.– In This Podcast: Greg, co-host Janis Norton, and Don discuss how to apply permaculture concepts to address water issues in our landscapes. They dive deep to reveal the natural systems that protect plants from climate extremes, and they explore ways we can…

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems…: Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

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