787: Paul Wheaton on Horticultural Techniques

In this episode we talk to Paul about what is and what isn’t hügelkultur. Greg was pretty sure he knew going in what and how to and was really surprised that he was way off base. Join us as we discover how to build our own 7 foot tall hügelkultur bed and why it is important.

742: David Sands on Bamboo in Construction

Using to bamboo to help address the climate crisis. David Sands shares his journey from trying to be a better steward for the planet and how that evolved into him starting a business offering bamboo wood for building lumber. We learn why this is such a renewable resource and some of its unique aspects that can help as we seek solutions for the climate crisis.

703: Justin “Jules” Giuliano on Earth Friendly Potting Soil

Educating about soil and planetary health with peat free planting mix. – Justin “Jules” Giuliano may be a relative newcomer to the garden, but his love of the outdoors and his willingness to make mistakes have grown into a lifelong passion for the soil. Combining that passion with his roots in…

661: Abby Schaefer on Wood Chip Bio Reactors

Reducing agricultural nitrogen runoff into rivers and oceans. – Abby Schaefer didn’t know what she wanted to do when she started college, but she went with the flow and turned her love of chemistry into a career studying water as a bio-systems engineer. Abby studies woodchip bioreactors, a relatively…

629: Wrap Up of Roundup

Jeffrey Smith in red shirt

A SPECIAL Farmer Friday interview with Jeffrey Smith: Jeffrey joins us to discuss the astonishing news that Bayer will discontinue sales of Roundup to residential consumers in the US. Jeffrey is a passionate advocate for people and nature in the fight against Roundup and GMO’s. He explains the…

622: Leon Kolankiewicz on Preserving Quality Farmland

Working to Protect the Land That Produces Our Food. – Leon Kolankiewicz defines the problem of urban sprawl, and he describes the alarming rate at which it is permanently destroying farmland and our future food security. What is driving this sprawl, and what can we do about it? Leon is optimistic that farmland can be…

618: Wildflowers

A Chat with a Seed Expert. – This is the June 2021 Seed Saving Class discussing wildflowers. Bill McDorman draws on his 28 years of careful observation as he shares expert tips for successful wildcrafting and planting of wildflower seeds, including mistakes to avoid. He also clears up some common misconceptions about…

612: Pathways to Healthy Soil

A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Emily joins us for an illuminating discussion on soil – the living, breathing foundation of every garden.  Emily takes us down to the roots and peels back the layers to discover what makes up this fascinating, hidden ecosystem.  Nature already knows how to make the best soil, and Emily discusses…

610: Saving Seeds of Cucurbits

A seed chat with Bill McDorman: This is the May 2021 class discussing the main cucurbit species, crossbreeding squashes, and so much more on the main species of cucurbits and their differences that allow for ‘wild crosses’.

608: Jon Hayes on Online Farmers Marketplace

Expanding farmers reach to customers with busy schedules: We hear from Jon Hayes about a new app he created and launched that brings local food even closer to home. Jon tells us how his app has many benefits outside of local food sourcing, and essentially can be utilized for anything to do with…

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