653: Starting Fresh in 2022

Farmer Greg under a tree

A Farmer Friday by Greg Peterson: Greg takes a few minutes at the beginning of this new year to acknowledge the challenges of the last couple of years and to highlight the importance of growing our own food. He expresses gratitude for you, the Urban Farm community, and talks about ways we can…

645: Composting for Your Neighbors

A Farmer Friday interview with Alyssa Brodsky}: Have you tried composting food scraps, only to give up because you did not generate enough waste to be successful? Alyssa Brodsky shares details about a composting program that solves this problem. Residential participants learn how to collect…

641: Garden Soil Prep for Success

A Farmer Friday interview with Christy Wilhelmi: Christy Wilhelmi returns to the Urban Farm, this time to talk about keeping life healthy below the ground as well as above it. Healthy soil is all about healthy microbes, and Christy shares her special recipes for feeding them. Hear why worm castings are…

639: Keeping Bees

A Farmer Friday interview with Nicole Gennetta: Nicole, a Master Beekeeper, sets us on the path to successful beekeeping by sharing the 5 steps she recommends beginners take before getting any bees. She tells how to determine if bees are legal on your property, and she recommends…

637: Growing Berries

A Farmer Friday interview with Christy Wilhelmi Christy helps us appreciate the potential of berries in our gardens and urban farms. She breaks down the different varieties of berries and why to choose different types for your own climate and harvest goals.  We learn a bit about why some berries…

635: Rebugging Your Farm and Garden

A Farmer Friday interview with Vicki Hird: Vicki Hird reminds us that it is possible to have bugs without having a bug problem. In fact, when it comes to bugs, the more you have in your garden the better! Vicki provides information about the beneficial roles that bugs play and she tells how to…

633: Soil Is Not Dirt

A Farmer Friday interview with Mike Biltonen: Though the words are often used interchangeably, soil and dirt are not the same thing. Mike Biltonen explains that we must know the distinction before we can truly appreciate the treasure that is our soil. Once we realize its true worth, we will want to…

631: Feeding Chickens

A Farmer Friday interview with Nicole Gennetta: What do chickens eat? Nicole Gennetta explains that they are omnivores and can eat just about anything, so she answers that question by providing an important list of foods to avoid. She discusses how to safely prepare specific foods and prevent…

629: Wrap Up of Roundup

Jeffrey Smith in red shirt

A SPECIAL Farmer Friday interview with Jeffrey Smith: Jeffrey joins us to discuss the astonishing news that Bayer will discontinue sales of Roundup to residential consumers in the US. Jeffrey is a passionate advocate for people and nature in the fight against Roundup and GMO’s. He explains the…

627: Ecosystem Mimicry and Layering

Farmer Greg under a tree

A Farmer Friday interview with Zach Loeks: Greg welcomes back Zach Loeks to discuss how to simplify the process of ecosystem design by observing and mimicking the natural layers and patterns of existing ecosystems. Zach details what to look for when observing. He also explains…

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