768: Integrated Pest Management – A Garden Chat

A Garden Chat with Teresa Watkins. – Integrated pest management is a concept that looks at all the ways of managing pest pressure and uses the least impactful one first. Greg talks with Teresa Watkins about how to use the least harmful method of pest control to the environment first, which could mean picking off insects off the plants, or even spraying aphids off a plant with water. It means using the best management practices to help prevent pests or diseases before they arrive…
759: Seed Support and Where to Find It – A Seed Chat

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the July 2023 Seed Chat discussing Seed classes, seed libraries, seed companies, books and teaching tools. We’ll talk about (and link) our favorite resources whether you are starting a community seed library, launching a seed business or looking for that fabulous book you can cuddle up with to find inspiration and context for your seed saving journey. Come Chat with Us!
697: Planting for the Bugs

A Garden Chat with Suzanne Bontempo. – Bugs play a vital role in the health of an ecosystem, and with a little strategic planting, we can invite the “good” ones to join us in our own growing spaces. Join us as we talk with Suzanne Bontempo about planning ahead for bugs, how to recognize the…
669: Christy Wilhelmi on Garden Variety – a Novel

There’s More to Gardening Than Merely Keeping Pests at Bay. – Christy Wilhelmi returns to tell us about her latest book, Garden Variety, a novel set in a community garden. She explains why she wrote the book and shares a little bit about the process, then she introduces us to the characters and even…
664: Growing Flowers to Love Your Veggies

A Garden Chat with Lisa Ziegler. – Every vegetable garden can benefit from having beautiful flowers in and around the area. Beautiful blooms can boost the aesthetics and add a wide pallet of colors. Some flowers can repel unwanted pests, and some flowers can bring in healthy pollinators. Some flowers are even…
657: Vicki Hird on Rebugging the Planet

Renewing Our Relationships with Bugs. – Wait…Don’t step on that bug! Vicki Hird introduces us to the fascinating world of bugs, showing us a whole new way to think about our insect and invertebrate friends. She invites us to look a little closer so we can begin to appreciate bugs not only for the many essential…
635: Rebugging Your Farm and Garden

A Farmer Friday interview with Vicki Hird: Vicki Hird reminds us that it is possible to have bugs without having a bug problem. In fact, when it comes to bugs, the more you have in your garden the better! Vicki provides information about the beneficial roles that bugs play and she tells how to…
632: Growing Fruit in Small Spaces

Don’t Let Yard Size Determine Your Harvests. – Are your fruit trees an experiment or an investment? Christy Wilhelmi talks about the steps needed to ensure that the fruit trees you plant in your yard are an investment that bears fruit. She covers every stage of the process, including planning your…
626: Kevin Espiritu on Epic Gardening Growth

Getting Excited About Sharing Gardening Stories. — Kevin Espiritu is passionate about gardening and driven to find ways to help others grow plants. We are excited to have him return, this time to give us updates about both his personal and professional gardening endeavors. Kevin shares stories of new digs, new…
611: Caring for orchards with holistic biodynamic Tree Paste

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes: Greg is excited to speak with Andrew Faust about biodynamic tree paste, a concept Greg learned about years prior, yet it is not widely discussed. Andrew is an expert on biodynamics and he educates us on this…