Down on the Farm Chat with Judith, Wendi & Greg

Join Judith, Wendi, and Greg for a lively conversation about using a steam juicer for making chicken broth, a method new to Judith and Greg. Then they dive into composting techniques, pressure canning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment. The conversation also delves into their personal homesteading practices, experiences with gardening, and how they manage their respective farms. The energetic dialogue underscores their shared passion for sustainable living and continuous learning.

Greg On: Remarkable Academic Food Podcast​

In this Podcast interview of Greg: he discusses the process of growing fruit trees, focusing on his experiences in Phoenix, Arizona, and Asheville, North Carolina. He emphasizes the importance of selecting the right varieties for each region and the need for ongoing care that’s a lot simpler than most would assume. Greg also points out the genetic diversity of fruit trees and the long-term benefits they provide before sharing resources for learning more.

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems…: Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Regenerative Landscapes

Farmer Greg Steps Out… Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

Farmer Greg Steps Out… About Permaculture

Farmer Greg Steps Out… Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

Farmer Greg and Fruit Trees in Phoenix Magazine

Farmer Greg and his mission mentioned in Phoenix Magazine   A very informative article about the history of citrus in Arizona was released on February 21, 2018 in Phoenix Magazine.  […]

Greg on Farm to Table Podcast

Greg on Farm to Table Podcast “Meeting first poolside at a Podcast convention with other foodie/farming podcasters, our conversation led to Greg’s journey as an Urban Farmer, the new food […]

Greg Peterson on Organic Gardener Podcast

Greg Peterson on Organic Gardener Podcast Greg Peterson was recently interviewed for the Organic Gardener Podcast! In it, he discusses his experience getting into urban farming, tips and tricks for […]

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