Farmer Greg Steps Out... about Permaculture
Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about various topics from momentous events that took place in his life to enlightening the audience about how to embrace regenerative design into your space. The theme in these interviews is a favorite of his… permaculture!
NPR Living Permaculture (In Two Parts)
with host: Jerome Osentowski
Greg Peterson Shares His Permaculture Journey
Greg visits with Jerome Osentowski and Kathleen on NPR’S Living Permaculture Podcast as he enlightens us on the true meaning of permaculture and how it all began for Greg thirty years ago. The year 1991 was a pivotal one for Greg as he illustrates the four major events in his life that became the catalyst for his vision. It all began after receiving a mysterious flyer in the mail, a moment that changed the direction of his life from that point forward.
What’s Growing in Greg Peterson’s Urban Garden?
Greg returns for a second chat with Jerome and Kathleen on NPR’S Living Permaculture Podcast to share his methodical design of his environmental showcase home, known as The Urban Farm. Greg’s home sits on one third of an acre and within his space he has planted almost everything imaginable from beans, kale, celery, nasturtiums, fruit trees and more. Emphasizing the ‘stacking functions’ and double benefits each plant and tree provides, Greg has virtually recreated a natural system that mirrors a forest in the heart of the desert.
Editor’s Note: Check out more podcasts from NPR Living Permaculture HERE
The Easy Organic Gardener Podcast (ARBICO)
with host: Sheri Frey
Living in a Permaculture State of Mind with Greg Peterson
Sheri Frey has a compelling conversation with Greg, as they dive into the world of permaculture and the importance of embracing this concept as a lifestyle, as many of the issues in our food system would be resolved. Greg discusses how he knew from a young age what his purpose in life is and while the issues with our food system make it seem like such a large issue to tackle alone, Greg shares his vision of “one yard at a time”. Rather than ignore the problems, Greg advocates changing the state of mind by being aware of our individual actions and making small steps every day. Most of the food society eats today is processed, lacks nutritional value, and is making us sick; therefore if we make the right choices today in our diets, we can have a healthier society tomorrow.
Editor’s Note: Check out more podcasts from The Easy Organic Gardener HERE
Flower Power Garden Hour
with host: Marlene Simon
97: Permaculture, with Greg Peterson of The Urban Farm
Marlene Simon chats with Greg as she picks his brain on what the heck permaculture really means. While there are several definitions of permaculture, Greg defines it as “The art and science of working with nature”. Discovering permaculture was like unlocking the key to solving the world’s problems, however Greg was already practicing the principles of permaculture decades before he was introduced to the word itself. Greg points out that balance is the key, meaning that working with nature will enable a symbiotic ecosystem that can eliminate common issues such as pests, resource costs, and damage to your landscape.
Editor’s Note: Check out more podcasts from Flower Power Garden Hour HERE
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