Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems…: Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

606: Crystal Stevens on Regenerative Urban Farming

Bringing gardening methods full circle: We learn from Crystal Stevens about the many inexpensive ways to build a regenerative and edible landscape using natural resources. Crystal describes the different possibilities that can be incorporated into any size…

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Regenerative Landscapes

Farmer Greg Steps Out… Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

Farmer Greg Steps Out… About Permaculture

Farmer Greg Steps Out… Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

594: Designing Your Edible Landscape

A Garden Chat with Kristin Parsons – We visit with Kristin Parsons who helps us explore the beneficial concepts of permaculture design and how to integrate functionality into the outdoor living space. We cover the important components of…

John Moody

535: John Moody on Weed Suppression.

Controlling unwanted volunteers in our farms and gardens. – In This Podcast: Could weeds be friends? In some cases, John Moody thinks they are! John shares some of the knowledge from his book and experience on his homestead to help you determine what are beneficial weeds in the right…

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

518: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 3

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In the final part of our interview with David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, talks soil, owning your mistakes, and balancing food production in limited spaces. He also shares what it’s like to…