757: Extreme Heat – A Rosie on The House Episode

A Rosie on the House Radio Show. This is the July 2023 show discussing extreme heat and Greg goes in depth on three ways to avoid letting the heal kill our plants and trees. In this conversation, Greg shares with Romey the lessons he learned while growing fruit trees in the desert that make a big difference in having our plant survive and that is: location, ground cover, and watering. They go further in depth on each of these to help know what steps to take to protect your plants..

755: Water Harvesting For Our Gardens – A Garden Chat

“Rain, Rain, go away?” Whoever said that never had to water a garden in the summer months. Join us as we chat with our good friend and water harvesting educator Don Titmus about boosting our water resources for our gardens with a few simple systems that can quickly pay for themselves.

751: Mike Crimmins and Gary Woodard on Rainlog

Collecting Rainfall Information In A Cooperative Community Project. Rainlog.org is one of the coolest Citizen science projects available. Simply purchase a rain gauge create an account and track your rain. Join Farmer Greg as he chats with the creators of the site. Mike Crimmins and Gary Woodard came together 20 years ago to track rural rainfall in Arizona and their project has expanded worldwide and includes millions of readings.

750: Rainwater for Our Landscapes with Don Titmus

A Rosie on the House Radio Show. This is the June 2023 show discussing rainwater harvesting for the benefit of our landscapes. Don Titmus joined Romey and Greg to talk about the realities of collecting rainwater in the Sonoran Desert to use for our landscapes. Don explains how his passive rainwater collection system waters trees that are upslope from his house solving the problem of too much water on his back patio during the summer rains.

746: Renee Dang on Rainwater Harvesting

Learning about collecting the rain and sharing the journey. Renee Dang wanted to learn more about Rainwater Harvesting, and as she jumped into researching this topic, she used her lack of experience to ask important questions that every new water harvester wants to ask. She explains how using this unique perspective, and her strength in technical writing, she works to help others understand a water sustainability option for any property that receives rain.

688: Free Water for the Garden

A Garden Chat with Don Titmus. – The biggest and most basic concern when maintaining a garden is water. In these uncertain times of drought and rising costs, how can you ensure your garden will not wilt just when you need it most? Don Titmus shares his secrets for finding free water right where you…

620: Water In and For Our Landscape

A Garden Chat with Don Titmus.– In This Podcast: Greg, co-host Janis Norton, and Don discuss how to apply permaculture concepts to address water issues in our landscapes. They dive deep to reveal the natural systems that protect plants from climate extremes, and they explore ways we can…

617: Water Harvesting At The Urban Farm

Farmer Greg under a tree

A Farmer Friday Reflection by Greg Peterson: Farmer Greg’s sustainable, regenerative water harvesting system has him singing in the rain, even in the desert. Greg explains where the water comes from and where it goes, and he gives details about how he collects and distributes it. He also gives a formula for calculating …

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems

Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems…: Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

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