600: Saving Seeds of Grasses and Grains

A seed chat with Bill McDorman: This is the April 2021 class discussing the importance of growing our own grains, ancient grain sources, and so much more on which grains are best for specific regions.

596: Patti Milligan on Saliva and the Immune System

Improving our body’s resilience to environmental and emotional stressors – This week we delve into the world of saliva research as we speak with Patti Milligan on the importance of healthy saliva production. Patti describes how our saliva production can be impacted by the foods we eat and when we eat those certain foods that create…

590: Jeffrey Smith on Genetically Modified Microbes

Jeffrey Smith in red shirt

Raising public awareness about gene editing – After attending a lecture on GMO’s twenty-five years ago, Jeffrey Smith could not help but feel concerned about the future impacts of genetic engineering on ecosystems. Jeffrey speaks on the growing intensity of GMO contamination in all aspects of life and…

582: Patti Milligan on Growing Healthier Eaters

Connecting childhood nutrition to gardening. A fascinating chat with Patti Milligan lets us explore ways to help children crave healthier foods. Patti discusses how taste, smell, and environment are influential to what drives our diet preferences from a young age. She encourages parents to…

574: Jennifer Caraway on The Joy Bus Meal Program

In This Podcast – COVID caused a shift towards a new normal way of life with social distancing protocols and at-home confinement, yet, for cancer patients this is their everyday life. However, Jennifer Caraway became inspired to lead a movement that…

573: Dorie Morales on the Fresh Food Collab

Working to reshape the narrative surrounding food scarcity 2020 is the year that the world experienced two pandemics: The COVID virus and exponential unemployment. Many have turned to food banks but are not receiving the necessary nutrition. However, Dorie Morales is collaborating with the local community to…

571: Seed Saving Class November 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. – This is the November 2020 class discussing seed health and your health, resurrecting ancient grains, and so much more on how saving seeds creates a healthy community.

543: Audrey Barron on Food and Herbs for Health.

Audrey Barron

Learning how to use food and herbs as medicine. From her clean food restaurant to her urban farm, Audrey Barron is helping people feel better. Listen in to learn about her journey as a holistic health chef, her philosophy on eating trends, various diets, and how to…

535: John Moody on Weed Suppression.

John Moody

Controlling unwanted volunteers in our farms and gardens. – In This Podcast: Could weeds be friends? In some cases, John Moody thinks they are! John shares some of the knowledge from his book and experience on his homestead to help you determine what are beneficial weeds in the right…

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