582: Patti Milligan on Growing Healthier Eaters.
Connecting childhood nutrition to gardening.
In This Podcast:
A fascinating chat with Patti Milligan lets us explore ways to help children crave healthier foods. Patti discusses how taste, smell, and environment are influential to what drives our diet preferences from a young age. She encourages parents to embrace sensory appreciation when introducing children to new and healthy foods that will shape their perceptions and better evolve maturing taste buds.
Our Guest:
Patti has been in the nutrition field for nearly 40 years. Her work and passion in the field of Neuroscience of Taste has led her to the field of saliva research and exploring the why behind the foods we like. Working in both clinical nutrition and integrative medicine/natural foods, Patti brings a unique blend of clinical, educational, holistic, consumer, and PR experience. She and her son created the Be Memorable foundation in which they support individuals making a difference in novel ways for kids’ nutrition (focusing on school gardens and childhood cancer). She is the author of Why is Shirley Unusual? an interactive children’s nutrition & gardening book, the proceeds of which go to sponsoring school gardens.
Listen in and learn about:
- How Patti got involved in the field of nutrition
- What was the pivotal moment for her career choice
- Why did she want to understand tastebud physiology and saliva
- How is our relationship with food linked with our reward system
- Why shouldn’t we assume that kids are just picky eaters
- What triggers maturation of taste buds in children
- What does it mean to involve all the senses when eating
- The importance behind kids physically interacting with plants
- What are the best ways parents can encourage healthier eaters
- Why is a calm eating environment crucial for children
- The autonomic nervous system and its role in better food choices
As well as:
Her failure – Not getting accepted to an internship in Boston
Her success – Feeling like she never “worked” a day in her life
Her drive – To elevate people’s curiosity and relationship with food to be one that is a beautiful dance
Her advice – “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation.” – Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand
Books written by Patti:
Why Is Shirley Unusual?: A Story Told by a Nutritionist and Her Son
Patti ’s Book recommendations:
A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman
Patti returns for another podcast episode:
596: Patti Milligan on Saliva and The Immune System
How to reach Patti:
LinkedIn: Patti Tveit Milligan
Email: milliganpatti@gmail.com
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