582: Patti Milligan on Growing Healthier Eaters

Connecting childhood nutrition to gardening. A fascinating chat with Patti Milligan lets us explore ways to help children crave healthier foods. Patti discusses how taste, smell, and environment are influential to what drives our diet preferences from a young age. She encourages parents to…

RECIPE: Homemade Pizza Dough & Sauce

Homemade Pizza Dough & Sauce by Guest blogger: Lyndsay Luddenof Hoppy Goat Farm Listen to her podcast HERE [dt_divider style=”thin” /]For us farming is all about the food.  From seed […]

401: Duane Hebert on Growing a Healthy Diet

401: Duane Hebert on Growing a Healthy Diet. Homesteading in the Suburbs. Born and raised in Gardena, CA in the heart of South-Central Los Angeles, Duane grew up a typical […]

393: Brad Lancaster on Wild Food Forestry

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

393: Brad Lancaster on Wild Food Forestry. Harvesting native foods in the Sonoran Desert. Brad runs a successful permaculture consulting, design, and education business. He is focused on integrated and sustainable […]

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Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.