582: Patti Milligan on Growing Healthier Eaters

Connecting childhood nutrition to gardening. A fascinating chat with Patti Milligan lets us explore ways to help children crave healthier foods. Patti discusses how taste, smell, and environment are influential to what drives our diet preferences from a young age. She encourages parents to…

562: Benjamin Page on Interacting with The Earth

Building a relationship with your soil In today’s society, we as humans are provided with various ways to virtually connect with each other. However, Benjamin Page, recent author of two books, points out one key area humans lack…

551: Chloe Lieberman on Growing Calorie Crops

Farming corn and other small-scale staple crops. When one thinks of staple crops, what usually comes to mind is corn, wheat, and soybeans, yet Chloe Lieberman has worked with community farms around the world and discovered that there is an abundance of underutilized, calorie-dense types of crops. Listen in to learn about the value of…

470: David Stark on Soil Microbes

Getting serious about the microscopic life in soil. — In This Podcast: Retired after years of leadership in Monsanto, David Stark was asked to mentor a young company making what was essentially compost tea. Reluctantly and with some concerns over the science, he agreed and now is excited to share what he has learned about…

463: Carl Atwell on Entrepreneurship and Valued Relationships

Keeping people at the core of small business success. — In This Podcast: When an entrepreneurial opportunity came his way, Carl Atwell jumped on board with a passion. He is now president of Gempler’s and is building it again with a commitment towards his customers and employees. He shares the story of how Gempler’s was created with a focus on good values and how he connected with that. He also explains…

Love Languages of Gardening

Love Languages of Gardening

By Guest Blogger: Katie Fiore – When you love to garden, it’s not always easy to explain why you love it. Often, we make a joke about how we like to play in the dirt. And that’s a legit reason! There’s scientific proof that playing in the dirt exposes you to soil microbes that stimulate your body to produce serotonin. Other times, we excitedly start talking about…

Farming Our Everywhere

Farming Our Everywhere By Farmer Greg Peterson A friend went to the South Pacific on a sailing trip a while back. He stopped at one of the tiny islands and […]

292: Jake Mowrer on Crop Roots

292: Jake Mowrer on Crop Roots. Appreciating the relationship between plant roots and the life in the soil. Jake was raised on a farm in north Georgia where his family […]

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