536: Chris McLaughlin on Raising Animals for Fiber.

536: Chris McLaughlin on Raising Animals for Fiber.

Farming for yarn and more. – In This Podcast: Not all farmers produce food. Some farm flowers, plants, or seeds. Others use their animal herd to produce fiber crops for yarn and textiles. Chris McLaughlin is a fiber farmer and educator who shares all about the fascinating world of raising goats, sheep, rabbits, and…

524: Neil Werde on Recognizing Quality Dog Treats.

524: Neil Werde on Recognizing Quality Dog Treat.

Breaking the mold on traditional canine snacks. – In This Podcast: As gardeners, we think of our health and the food we put in our bodies but have you thought much about what you feed your pets? We talked canine healthy treats with Neil Werde and got the inside scoop on the best ingredients and…

522: Karen Hugg on The Forgetting Flower.

522: Karen Hugg on The Forgetting Flower.

Agriculturally inspired fiction with the power of a plant’s fragrance is steeped in mystery and danger. – In This Podcast: Plants inspire most of our listeners, but Karen Hugg used her horticultural inspiration to create mystery novels that capture the magic and possibilities of…

510: David Tyda about Food Festivals

Episode 510: David Tyda about Food Festivals.

Promoting the local food scene and building the local food community in an accessible, affordable, and original way. – In This Podcast: Food brings people together, and David Tyda specializes in creating events and festivals that build relationships between local restaurants and…

493: Scott Murray on Active Carbon Sequestration

Scott Murray

Researching how urban farmers can increase the performance of our landscapes. – In This Podcast: If the term active carbon sequestration has you picturing scientists in hazmat suits, you aren’t alone! Returning guest Scott Murray shares how to harness the power of nature and use home landscaping to…

414: Leah Penniman on Liberating the Land

Challenging the mono-CULTURE of farming – A passion for the soil, the earth and her community started when Leah Penniman began farming at the age of 16. Through the years she has continued to work towards ending a racism and injustice in our food system, and also on land reparations for…

Farmer Greg and Fruit Trees in Phoenix Magazine

Farmer Greg and his mission mentioned in Phoenix Magazine   A very informative article about the history of citrus in Arizona was released on February 21, 2018 in Phoenix Magazine.  […]

Greg on Farm to Table Podcast

Greg on Farm to Table Podcast “Meeting first poolside at a Podcast convention with other foodie/farming podcasters, our conversation led to Greg’s journey as an Urban Farmer, the new food […]

Greg Peterson on Organic Gardener Podcast

Greg Peterson on Organic Gardener Podcast Greg Peterson was recently interviewed for the Organic Gardener Podcast! In it, he discusses his experience getting into urban farming, tips and tricks for […]

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Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.