493: Scott Murray on Active Carbon Sequestration.

Researching how urban farmers can increase the performance of our landscapes.

In This Podcast:

If the term active carbon sequestration has you picturing scientists in hazmat suits, you aren’t alone! Returning guest Scott Murray shares how to harness the power of nature and use home landscaping to reduce carbon in the environment. Listen in for an easy to understand explanation of the impact of carbon on our global environment, how capturing it helps the growth of our plants and trees, and what we can do right now to create microsystems that reduce your carbon output. Don’t Miss an Episode!! Click HERE to sign up for regular podcast updates

Our Guest:

Scott  has 46 years of organic agricultural production experience in the United States and Mexico. He has a multitude of experience with conservation, food production, and environmental leadership—including serving as an elected California Conservation official for the last 27 years. Scott also specializes in farmland preservation projects utilizing Smart Growth Principles. These days he does farm creation and consulting as his primary work, including work on a farm growing coffee in Southern California which had its first harvest and sold out in one day for $796 a pound.

Listen in and learn about:

    • What Active Carbon Sequestration means, and what that means for our global carbon problem
    • How carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere and the environmental effects
    • How cities and nations create carbon budgets and action plans
    • The implications of the world’s ice melting
    • Greenhouse Gas and how it relates to carbon
    • How carbon helps soil and plants
    • Boosting your soil’s carbon sequestration using compost
    • Using trees vs smaller plants to sequester crops
    • How fire releases carbon that the trees have sequestered
    • UN goal to Plant 1 Trillion Trees
    • Current Global Tree coverage, strategic reforestation, and what achieving that goal means.
    • Tuning up our landscapes to create micro-systems that sequester carbon immediately
    • Creating an 80/20 plant rule between edible and ornamental plants
    • Creating fire safe landscapes that are high performing and harvest rainwater
    • Things you can do to reduce your carbon output

How to reach Scott:

Website: edgeofurbanfarm.com 

Email: scottamurray@sbcglobal.net 

Scott’s Previous Podcasts:

11: Scott Murray on Avocado Farming

352: Scott Murray on California Grown Coffee

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