823: Getting your Garden watered- A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. Farmer Greg and Janis Norton discuss various methods for watering gardens. Key topics include flood irrigation, rainwater harvesting, stormwater, and gray water use along with the benefits of drip tape systems over traditional drip irrigation. The show also delves into soil types (sandy, loamy, clay) and their impact on water absorption. Practical advice is provided on setting up efficient irrigation systems, including the use of shutoff valves, pressure reducers, and chlorine filters.

818: Soil Building in the Desert – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. Join Farmer Greg for his monthly Rosie on the House Radio hour from Arizona. This month Romey and Greg are discussing in depth the ins and outs of growing healthy soil. Learn all about woody mulch and where to find it for free, the five components of healthy soil, why Greg loves weeds, the big reason not to use chemicals in his garden and so much more.

813: What are Farm Trusts – A Garden Chat

A Garden Chat with Zack Wyatt. – We chat with Zack Wyatt of the Carolina Farm Trust is focused on revolutionizing the food systems in the Carolinas through regenerative farming practices and sustainable approaches. The Carolina Farm Trust has four pillars—Farm Apprenticeship Program, Food is Health Program, Urban Farm Network, and CFT Market & Distribution Center that are integral to their mission of fostering a healthier, more sustainable food system from farm to table

811: All about Keeping Honeybees – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. Ever thought about keeping honeybees? It’s a process and it’s something we need to learn if you’re gonna take it on and that’s exactly what we’re talking about today. Join our our monthly radio show called Rosie On The House in Phoenix, Arizona as we discuss with Cricket what it takes to keep honeybees; and oh yeah, what is mead.

780: Greg & Heidi’s New Farm and Garden – A Garden Chat

A Garden Chat with Heidi Lichte. -Join Greg and his long time partner in life as they chat about their move from Phoenix to Asheville, NC and the challenges and fun they have had. Greg had imagines moving to a quieter place for more than a decade when he met Heidi. But Heidi’s yoga students were all in phoenix and she wasn’t leaving. Until that happened! Covid hit and she had to put all of her yoga classes online. Before long, Heidi had a thriving online yoga business and asked Greg ‘Where do you want to live?’ Little did Greg know, it would be all the way across the country!