212: Jenny Beasley on Community Gardening
Building a community revitalization garden project from scratch. Starting a community garden from scratch is no easy feat, and Greg talks with Jenny Beasley to hear about her work to bring a bare lot to life with a very thriving and highly appreciated garden resource in her community.
211: Colin Austin on Wicking Beds and Healthy Food
We get to meet a gardening pioneer when Greg talks to Colin Austin who is known world-wide as the man who engineered a simple but highly popular garden bed called a wicking bed. Greg learns why Colin was motivated to create the beds and how the wicking process works. Then they go further to talk about why healthy food is so important to him and his family.
210: Don Titmus on a Synopsis of Permculture
210: Don Titmus on a Synopsis of Permaculture. Chat with a Permaculture Expert. – – – – Don grew up in London and at age 16 spent 4 years being […]
209: Alastair Monk on The Future of Growing Food
Greg talks to Ally and finds out what it is like to be a founding partner in a brand-new company that is focusing on making indoor gardening easier.
208: Chat with an Expert – Catherine "The Herb Lady" Crowley
Chatting with Herb expert Catherine Crowley about growing herbs and using them in cooking other beneficial ways. She and Greg explore many of the different unique and awesome aspects of a myriad of herbs that can be grown in the home gardens and urban farms, with a special emphasis on garlic.
207: Megan Cain on Garden Planning
Acquiring a love of gardening transformed Megan into a fully focused farmer and she tells Greg how she went from being an naïve urbanite with no plant growing experience to a gardening educator and resource to kids and adults alike.
206: Allison Duffy on Food Preservation
Canning food is a favorite topic of Greg’s so of course he was excited to talk to Master Food Preserver Allison about her experiences and get some tips from her as well. As a bonus, they also chatted about her ‘too big’ garden and how this homestead is so rewarding for her family.
205: Nancy Bailey on Prolific Vegetables in Small Spaces
Greg chats with Nancy, an urban farmer from Southern California who explains how she is maximizing the potential of her very small garden. She has faced off critters of various sizes with some ingenious tricks and she is using soil amendments to make her soil healthy and her plants happy and productive.
204: Vanessa Sardi on Farm over Pharma
Greg finds another EPIC moment in this interview with Vanessa, who tells why she decided to stop selling pharmaceutical drugs and instead is focusing on preventing issues through teaching about healthy diet choices. Tired of feeling like she was adding to problems, she wanted to be part of the solution and she went out and found a way to do just that.
201: Jake Mace on Gardening with Seeds
Chatting with gardening expert Jake Mace about growing vegetables and fruit trees from seeds. Jake shares a bit about his favorite plants that he is growing from seeds. As well as why he thinks the seeds collected from your own area is so important.