514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

540: Brad Lancaster on Planting the Rain.

Teaching about the personal and community benefits of harvesting rainwater. – In This Podcast: Returning guest, Brad Lancaster, recently taught us about Harvesting the Rain and is back to teach about Planting the Rain. If you’ve ever considered capturing rainwater directly in your landscape…

539: Bryan Kappa on ChipDrop.

539: Bryan Kappa on ChipDrop.

Bringing green waste to your driveway. – In This Podcast: Organic matter builds soil, and Bryan Kappa has a free service that allows nationwide users to quickly build the quality of their soil. Learn about ChipDrop, the program that connects gardeners with tree companies and benefits everyone…

538: Erin Douglas on Sustainable Farming in Ghana.

538: Erin Douglas on Sustainable Farming in Ghana.

Supporting a teaching farm in Africa. – In This Podcast: Some people know their mission from a young age. Others, like Erin Douglas, find their direction as they go. With a desire to travel as her guide, Erin left her corporate job and traveled through Africa. An epic moment in Ghana inspired this novice…

John Moody

535: John Moody on Weed Suppression.

Controlling unwanted volunteers in our farms and gardens. – In This Podcast: Could weeds be friends? In some cases, John Moody thinks they are! John shares some of the knowledge from his book and experience on his homestead to help you determine what are beneficial weeds in the right…

Lindsay Allen

532: Lindsay Allen on Rooftop Farming

Growing food on top of a hospital. – In This Podcast: Hospital food isn’t always the best cuisine, but Lindsay Allen is working to change that at Boston Medical Center. Listen in to learn how a hospital rooftop farm is improving hospital food to make it more nourishing as well as feeding the community through…

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture.

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture

Seeking climate change solutions through sustainable farming investments. – In This Podcast: Want a way to combat climate change and make a good financial investment? David Chan explains the social and financial benefits of agricultural real estate investing. The FarmTogether system brings…