778: Get Saving Those Seeds, It’s Easier Than You Think – A Rosie Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show Replay. Join Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson as they chat about the 5 easiest seeds to save. The first one discussed is how to save tomatoes. Plus they share about their yearly event called the GreatAmericanSeedUp.org that is the biggest seed saving bazaar in the country. There is nothing else like it!

758: Jon the Farmer Larson on Seed Sharing in Seattle

Spreading seeds in the local community. How do you start a farm? You quit your job, become a stay-at-home dad, and convince your neighbors to let you use their yards to grow food. Well, that is how Jon the Farmer did it. He now farms over 20 yards outside of Seattle, connects the other food growers in the area, and creates and delivers his own CSA boxes to his clients. OH yes and he periodically buys a Seed Up In a Box and distributes open pollinated seeds to his community!

751: Mike Crimmins and Gary Woodard on Rainlog

Collecting Rainfall Information In A Cooperative Community Project. Rainlog.org is one of the coolest Citizen science projects available. Simply purchase a rain gauge create an account and track your rain. Join Farmer Greg as he chats with the creators of the site. Mike Crimmins and Gary Woodard came together 20 years ago to track rural rainfall in Arizona and their project has expanded worldwide and includes millions of readings.

749: Maayan Chelsea and Scotty Karaa on Ritual Farming

Connecting people to the cycles and rhythms of growing food. Mayaan Chelsea and Scotty Karas share how they integrated their interests in sustainability with their desire to grow food and build community, and along the way recognized the rhythms and cycles of nature that connect people to the earth. They’ve been able to eat meals that but for the spices are 100% from their own garden and we learn how they got to this point and where they go next.

674: Liz and Lem Tingley on Geodesic Greenhouses of Growing Spaces

Bringing a 365-days-a-year Local Food Solution to Everyone. – In the last of five episodes, we hear from Liz and Lem Tingley, whose passion for health and sustainability led them to Growing Spaces. They fill us in on how they came to be the new owners of the business, the amazing impact their geodesic growing domes are having on…

673: Wallace Kirby and Boe Luther on Hustlaz 2 Harvesters

A Couple of Friends Who Are Transforming Their Disadvantaged Community. – In the fourth of five episodes, we hear from Wallace Kirby and Boe Luther who have made it their mission to transform life and land. Their non-profit community garden in Washington D.C. was awarded a Growing Spaces growing dome which they plan to…