220: Ben Raskin on Practical Advice for Community Gardens
For those envisioning a perfect community garden, Ben has put together a fabulous resource to guide, inspire, and empower the designers and leaders of future neighborhood plots. He tells Greg about the purpose he had for writing his latest book and some of the lessons he’s learned during his years of farming.
219: Jennifer Osuch on Growing, Cooking, Preserving Your Own Food
219: Jennifer Osuch on Fundamentals of Self Reliance. Teaching back to basics food preparation and preserving skills. – – – – Jennifer is the author of the Preparedness Planner series, […]
218: Nafsika Antypas on Living a Plant-Based Life
218: Nafsika Antypas on Living a Plant-Based Life. Understanding the reasons and options for choosing a vegan lifestyle. – – – – Nafsika is the Host and Creator of the […]
217: Sine Lindholm on an Urban Farming 'Growroom'
217: Sine Lindholm on an Urban Farming ‘Growroom’. Creating and sharing an open-sourced growing sphere to create poetic spaces. – – – – Sine is from Denmark and has a […]
216: Emiley Kight on Loving Natural Foods
A chance meeting at the Farmers Market connected Greg to Emiley Kight, a Nutrition Consultant who tells about how she helps people to make little changes and enjoy natural foods. She explains about how her focus on food was taking her towards the kitchens of large food corporations until her mom’s illness and the realization that real food information and options were not included in recovery discussions and she decided to work on changing that.
215: Suzanne Bontempo on Gardening without Pesticides
215: Suzanne Bontempo on Gardening without Pesticides. Contemplating the best options for:If, when, and what type of insect control to use in the garden. – – – – Suzanne has […]
214: Michael Matheson Miller on Poverty in the World
Examining the problems of poverty and solutions we need to reconsider. Greg gets a chance to talk about a serious social sustainability topic when he interviews Michael Matheson Miller, the Director-Producer of Poverty Inc. Michael has examined this issue at great lengths and tells why some of the things we think are helping are really fostering additional problems and why we should be asking if we are part of the problem.
213: Nikki Golly on Nutrition and Wellness
We get to meet Nikki Golly who’s focus on micro nutrients gives her a detailed perspective on the essentials of good nutrition. Her chat with Greg is a chance to break down the descriptions of some important food terms in today’s vocabulary and bring to light some very key details on the tiniest, but very powerful ingredients.
212: Jenny Beasley on Community Gardening
Building a community revitalization garden project from scratch. Starting a community garden from scratch is no easy feat, and Greg talks with Jenny Beasley to hear about her work to bring a bare lot to life with a very thriving and highly appreciated garden resource in her community.
211: Colin Austin on Wicking Beds and Healthy Food
We get to meet a gardening pioneer when Greg talks to Colin Austin who is known world-wide as the man who engineered a simple but highly popular garden bed called a wicking bed. Greg learns why Colin was motivated to create the beds and how the wicking process works. Then they go further to talk about why healthy food is so important to him and his family.