695: Joshua Burman Thayer on Food Forests for First Timers

Making growing fruit trees easy and affordable for beginners. – Joshua Burman Thayer believes everyone can and should grow food, but with so much to learn, it is easy for a beginner to get overwhelmed. Where do you start? What do you really need? Where should you spend your time and…
694: Lizzy Shapiro on Discovering Music in a Container Garden

Making a connection between jazz and gardening. – Like many people during the pandemic, Elizabeth “Lizzy” Shapiro suddenly found herself at home staring at an empty calendar. To fill the time, she turned her attention to decorating the unattractive cement spaces outside her home. One potted plant led to…
693: Paul Horner on Vermicomposting

Worms are people too. – When his previous industry ground to a sudden halt, Paul Horner decided to farm worms, and this unusual decision turned his life in a completely unexpected direction. His enthusiastic appreciation for the humble worm has fueled a passion for educating others about the value of…
692: Fertilizing Through Irrigation

A Garden Chat with Scott Murray. – Watering your gardens is a step that we all need to do. Fertilizing is just as important, although sometimes not as easy to remember. Both chores can be done in a variety of ways and too many choices might prevent us from starting. Join us as we chat with our friend…
691: Seed Harvesting

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – Before you know it, all your crops will be going to seed. Rather than deadhead and “clean everything up,” learn how to be your own best seed detective. What are the characteristics of the plants from which you should be saving seed? How do you decide when and how to…
690: Jolene Kuty on Creating a 10-year Vision

Setting an urban farming goal and then making it a reality. – When Dr. Jolene Kuty and her husband were ready to start planting on their bare new property, they spent a lot of time planning what they wanted to do in the space and how they wanted it to look in 10 years. They wisely took even more…
689: Scott Murray on Being a Farmer

An Ask a Farmer session with one of Greg’s mentors. – Scott Murray shares his 4-step plan for starting a farm. If you have gardened, you have likely learned how to grow a thing or two, and maybe you are considering stepping it up and becoming a farmer. Do you know how to start…
688: Free Water for the Garden

A Garden Chat with Don Titmus. – The biggest and most basic concern when maintaining a garden is water. In these uncertain times of drought and rising costs, how can you ensure your garden will not wilt just when you need it most? Don Titmus shares his secrets for finding free water right where you…
687: Squashes, Summer & Winter

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. — This is the June 2022 class discussing squashes. Help! How can we tell the difference between summer and winter squashes and why is it important? What are the challenges with cross-pollination and why don’t the three different species of squash cross? And what are…
686: Chris Hall and Stef Lowi on Lovin Off the Land

Spending a year eating only what they could catch, grow, harvest, or raise. – Have you ever wondered what would it be like to eat for an entire year without stepping foot in a grocery store? Sure, our ancestors did it, but can we? Chris Hall and Stef Lowi decided to take advantage of the sudden…