228: Sheri McLane on Soil and Plant Testing

228: Sheri McLane on Soil and Plant Testing. Improving plant yields through expert analysis of growing mediums. – – – – Sheri was interested in science and how things worked […]

227: Jan Dohner on Predators on the Urban Farm

Adjusting to a new normal with predators near our farms. Permaculture can be understood as the growth of agricultural ecosystems in a self-sufficient and sustainable way. This form of agriculture draws inspiration from nature to develop synergetic farming systems based on crop diversity, resilience, natural productivity, and sustainability.

226: Kevin Van Eekeren on Store Bought vs Home Raised Eggs

Recognizing eggs from lovingly raised hens and factory raised, regardless of labeling. We get to know the personal motivations behind Kevin, a tactical advisor and egg farmer with a focus on clear visioning 10 years into the future. He tells us how his experience developing tactical training has helped him with his farm. He also explains about some of the labeling misconceptions of eggs, and why there is such a marked difference in eggs depending on how the hens are raised.

225: Edward Griffin on Indoor Smart Gardens

225: Edward Griffin on Indoor Smart Gardens. Solving some space and time issues around growing fresh food. – – – – Edward graduated from Arizona State University in 2013 double […]

224: Lisa Steele on Gardening with Chickens

224: Lisa Steele on Gardening with Chickens. Incorporating chickens into the gardening process as willing workers. – – – – Lisa is a 5th-generation chicken keeper, nationally recognized author and […]

222: Heather Szymura on Hydroponic Container Farming

We meet Heather who decided to change directions away from a professional one towards one more in tune with nature and healing and to her surprise ended up becoming a farmer! She is selling lettuce and kale she is growing year-round in the suburbs near Phoenix and tells Greg how she is doing that in a shipping container in her backyard.

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