225: Edward Griffin on Indoor Smart Gardens.
Solving some space and time issues around growing fresh food.
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In This Podcast:
We meet Edward, a millennial concerned about sustainability and food equity issues, who also wanted to have an active lifestyle and still grow his own food. Not having a backyard did not stop Edward as he took agricultural and sustainability concepts he learned in college and created his own solution.
Listen in and learn about:
- Being in Greg’s class at the University of Arizona and changing directions to agriculture
- Never really having the option to grow his own food and then needing to change it
- A looming food crisis that he is concerned about
- A head of lettuce uses 36 times more energy in transportation than it provides
- A prediction that fresh clean water is going to be the next commodity, about equivalent to oil
- Deciding to do something and grow his own food
- A description of the Lyfbox system

- Being a millennial and wanting to go do his own thing while still growing his own food
- The Indiegogo fundraiser that is open for a limited time
- His class project on crowd sourcing fresh food
- How the system saves energy and water
- Interacting with the system through the app
- What type of plants work in the system
- Why community is such a big part of this project
- The plan to get Lyfboxes into schools in conjunction with a lesson plan
As well as:
- His failure – He’s had thousands so he just moves forward and learns new things
- His success – growing his own fresh food and feeling better, finding a better sense of well-being
- His drive – sustainability and becoming more efficient
- His advice – perseverance, sustainability
Edward’s Book recommendations:
The Alchemist – by Paulo Coelho
How to reach Edward:
Indiegogo Fundraiser/Presell: igg.me/at/lyfbox
Website: Lyfbox.org
Facebook page: @liveyoursfree