732: Aurora Rogers on Resilient Pioneering

Homesteading off the grid. – Join Aurora Rogers and Greg for a lively conversation about resiliency, home steading, low grid and becoming financially free. Aurora is a Venezuelan designer and process consultant devoted to creating resilient frameworks for every area of her life. Her husband of 24 years is Jason, who is an…
626: Kevin Espiritu on Epic Gardening Growth

Getting Excited About Sharing Gardening Stories. — Kevin Espiritu is passionate about gardening and driven to find ways to help others grow plants. We are excited to have him return, this time to give us updates about both his personal and professional gardening endeavors. Kevin shares stories of new digs, new…
612: Pathways to Healthy Soil

A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Emily joins us for an illuminating discussion on soil – the living, breathing foundation of every garden. Emily takes us down to the roots and peels back the layers to discover what makes up this fascinating, hidden ecosystem. Nature already knows how to make the best soil, and Emily discusses…
595: Defining What is Modern Homesteading

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice, in short bite-size episodes – Greg invites Brian Wells, host of The Homestead Journey Podcast, to share with us how he defines what it means to be a homesteader. Brian describes homesteading as a lifestyle that has evolved into the modern era where its definition depends…
518: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 3

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In the final part of our interview with David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, talks soil, owning your mistakes, and balancing food production in limited spaces. He also shares what it’s like to…
517: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 2

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 2 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about his definition of permaculture, soil conservation and regenerative practices, creating civilization systems that…
516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 1 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about the birth of permaculture. Learn about what inspired the concept of permaculture, permanent agriculture, working with…
472: Angela Neyland on Permaculture Homestead

Focusing on sustainable growing practices on 20-acres down under. — In This Podcast: We meet Angela Neyland as she tells us why an old TV comedy series influenced her and how she found permaculture. With this foundation, she shares the journey that led her and her husband to start a permaculture based homestead. She describes…
What 1.5 Years in Asia Taught Me About Food

By Guest Blogger Tayler Jenkins : I really like food. Eating food, cooking food, harvesting food, thinking about food. Truly, I can never really get food (and food systems) off my mind.
My activism started at a young age. From encouraging neighbors to vote on animal welfare propositions in 8th grade, to co-leading the organization Real Food ASU in college, to working for Urban Farm U, to gardening and…
423: John Jeavons on Biologically Intensive Gardening & Farming (Part 1)

Empowering people globally to build food security while using very little land – Biologically Intensive Gardening allows farmers to grow more food, with less water, in a sustainable way. In this podcast, we speak with John Jeavons who has been a Bio Intensive pioneer for over 50 years. An Arizona native, his books have made…