470: David Stark on Soil Microbes

Getting serious about the microscopic life in soil. — In This Podcast: Retired after years of leadership in Monsanto, David Stark was asked to mentor a young company making what was essentially compost tea. Reluctantly and with some concerns over the science, he agreed and now is excited to share what he has learned about…

467: Bentley Christie on Worm Composting

Having WAY too much fun with worms! — In This Podcast: Watching his coworker throw her lunch scraps into a large bin under her desk was just too exciting for Bentley Christie and soon he was on his way to becoming the Compost Guy with a popular blog and website about worm composting.  He shares his excitement and admiration for…

466: Shannon McBride on Successful Community Collaboration

Bringing residents, local government, and businesses together to build an epic garden and so much more. — In This Podcast: The area Shannon McBride grew up in had experienced a tumultuous change when the Phoenix light rail was built right down the middle of it. Instead of allowing herself or her neighbors to get angry, she decided to build a collaboration for the area. Building around a vision for a safe, walkable community, she started…

465: Bobby Wilson on Five Acres in Atlanta

Empowering a community through the benefits of growing food in the middle of the city. — In This Podcast: After running the Cooperative Extension Program for Urban Gardening in Atlanta, and taking leadership roles in several other community organizations, Bobby Wilson was not going to stop when he retired! Instead, he invested his retirement money into…

464: Nicole Finklestein on Urban Herb Farming

Tapping into the many benefits of backyard botanicals. — In This Podcast: While becoming a licensed acupuncturist and doctor, Nicole Finklestein felt the carbon footprint of the medicinals and botanicals in her practice was extensive. She drew on her family farming background to start growing herbs and flowers. She discusses holistic practices used on her farm, as well as…

463: Carl Atwell on Entrepreneurship and Valued Relationships

Keeping people at the core of small business success. — In This Podcast: When an entrepreneurial opportunity came his way, Carl Atwell jumped on board with a passion. He is now president of Gempler’s and is building it again with a commitment towards his customers and employees. He shares the story of how Gempler’s was created with a focus on good values and how he connected with that. He also explains…

462: Molly Watson on Harvesting Garden Snails

Turning garden pests into edible treats. — In This Podcast: Her 9-year-old son wanted to eat snails while in France, and once home he wanted to eat the garden snails too – so food writer Molly Watson did the research and figured out how to harvest and cook the snails they collected. Her down to earth descriptions can help any gardener who wondered if the pests had an edible purpose. She also shares…

461: Chris Rawley on Alternative Funding for Urban Farmers

Investing in small agriculture businesses. — In This Podcast: Production farming in America is not an easy business path to start on without some help or connections. Appreciating the value of farming after his travels in the US Navy, Chris Rawley realized these challenges farmers face when trying start or expand small-to-midsize farms and decided…