110: Brad Lancaster on Rainwater Harvesting

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

Planting edible trees and crops & water harvesting in the desert. – Brad Lancaster is the author of the award-winning Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond and co-founder of DesertHarvesters.org. Since 1993 Brad has run a successful permaculture education, design, and consultation business focused on integrated regenerative approaches to…

82: Jason Mraz Part 1: Urban Farming Adventures

82: Jason Mraz Part 1:Urban Farming Adventures The farming passion of a two-time Grammy Award winner. Jason Mraz is a well-known, two-time Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter. But what many don’t […]

27: Sheri Menelli on Being an Earth Friendly Homeowner

Today, we are meeting with Sheri Menelli, a fellow podcaster and an Earth Friendly Homeowner and member of the Secrets of Soil Society. Sheri has a green garden group and teaches people how to turn their lawns into a drought-tolerant landscapes.

20: Matt Gordon on Rogue Farm Corps

Matt is an urban farming rockstar in Portland, Oregon. He not only is in charge of Cully Neighborhood Farm’s CSA, but also the chapter coordinator for Rogue Farm Corps, a non-profit dedicated to training the next generation of farmers through hands-on farm internships in Oregon. Check it out!

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