516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 1 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about the birth of permaculture. Learn about what inspired the concept of permaculture, permanent agriculture, working with…

515: Kerry Smith on Harvest for Health.

515: Kerry Smith on Harvest for Health.

Mentoring cancer survivors through backyard vegetable gardens. – In This Podcast: Anyone who gardens knows the benefits, but Kerry Smith is proving it with her Harvest for Health program for cancer survivors. This experiment partners the Alabama Master Gardeners with Auburn University to…

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

Maximizing the benefit of rainwater for both personal and community use. – In This Podcast: Have you ever considered capturing free water for your landscape? Brad Lancaster has pioneered rainwater harvesting in Tucson, AZ and around the world. He teaches how to reinvest rainwater into…

511: Angela Judd on Inspiring Gardeners to Grow.

511: Angela Judd on Inspiring Gardeners to Grow.

Sharing good gardening information with others. – In This Podcast: Gardening in a new climate can pose challenges; however, Angela Judd did not let it stop her from becoming an inspirational gardener who regularly contributes to area publications. She reviews the classes and resources she…

Pierre Nibart, OGarden

507: Pierre Nibart on Indoor Gardening.

Bringing life into your home. – In This Podcast: The OGarden, a high tech way of bringing indoor gardening into a small space in your home, is Pierre Nibart’s labor of love to improve people’s well being. With his OGarden, you can grow 90 plants in a self-lit, 29″ by 53″ space with minimal…

Melissa Canales, Quantum Microgreens

506: Melissa Canales on Urban Microgreens.

Providing convenience, variety, and deliciousness to the on-the-go conscientious eater. – In This Podcast: We’ve all heard about the benefits of eating microgreens, but what does it take to grow them? Melissa Canales of Quantum Microgreens makes it her business to grow and supply this amazing…

504: John Lagoudakis on Business Side of Urban Farms

Developing lead generation without giving up the farm. – In This Podcast: An online presence is important for any farmer or person in agriculture to share their products and knowledge. This episode’s guest, John Lagoudakis, professionally coaches businesses on reaching…

Tiffany Panaccione

503: Tiffany Panaccione on The Basil Project

Taking the initial steps to starting her own farm. – In This Podcast: Returning guest, Tiffany Panaccione, is back for an update on her new basil farm. She discusses some of her early learnings on preparing greenhouse plants for a garden, when to plant outside of your area’s…

Bonus Episode 32: Seed Saving Class November 2019

A chat with a seed expert. — In This Podcast: This is a recording of the November 2019 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing the global seed situation, plant patents, advanced methods for creating new plants, and why seed saving is…