577: Quita Jackson on Off-Grid Container Homes

Building small homes using thrifty resources. Our ancestors were the pioneers of the past that lived off the land and as society advanced, so did our way of life. Currently, we are living life unsustainably and creating waste along the way. However, Quita Jackson had a vision to revert back to living like the mothers before her and…

576: Casey Cox on the Story of our Farm

Being a young farmer with a long family history of farming There are many people that grow up on a farm that choose to leave to find their calling in the city. However, Casey Cox left her family farm to find her calling only to realize that her destiny was…

575: Josh Krenz on Farming Sensors and Data

Examining the science of farming Imagine if farmers could predict annual weather patterns to determine water use, soil moisture, and avoid crop failures, yet this seems far from possible. However, Josh Krenz works with a company that creates devices to collect farming data and essentially facilitates farmers’ ability to…

568: Michael McMahon on the Fresh Food Collab

Improving access to adequate food for the Working Poor. The rise of COVID-19 sent the world into a panic as we saw grocery store shelves emptied across the nation. All of the sudden there was not enough food, distributors were tossing food, and food banks were constrained. However, Michael McMahon saw the problem and…

567: Liane Hasner on Creating an Urban Farm

Expanding the functionality of her property Lately, spending time outdoors has become the new way to keep sane during COVID. This has sparked a rising trend in urban farming. However, Liane Hasner has become inspired to be an urban farmer, not just as a hobby, but as a way to…

565: Donna Kilpatrick on Bringing Food Closer to Home

Helping others understand the value of small farms Large-scale farming is known to be labor-intensive and supports practices that are harmful to the natural environment. However, Donna Kilpatrick has spent much of her life’s work as a land steward, facilitating regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices to…

563: Seed Saving Class September 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. – At least ten times a year we have a live Seed Saving Class with Bill McDorman. This is the September 2020 seed saving class discussing the importance of seed diversity, the value of…