576: Casey Cox on the Story of our Farm.

Being a young farmer with a long family history of farming.

In This Podcast:

There are many people that grow up on a farm that choose to leave to find their calling in the city. However, Casey Cox left her family farm to find her calling only to realize that her destiny was calling from her back yard all along. Listen in to learn about how she found her passion in conservation, her role as a farmer and land stewardship advocate, as well as the various life changing opportunities she has been involved in.

Our Guest:

Casey is the sixth generation of her family to farm on the Flint River in South Georgia. Her family farm, Longleaf Ridge, produces sweet corn, peanuts, field corn, soybeans, and timber.  Prior to returning to the farm full-time, Casey managed the Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District, serving as Executive Director for over 5 years. In this role, she developed and directed multiple projects with Federal, state, and private partners and was responsible for procuring and managing over $13.5 million of funding for conservation programs. She was appointed by Secretary Sonny Perdue in 2019 to serve as Georgia’s Alternate Board Member on the National Peanut Board. Casey holds a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Conservation from the University of Florida. Her most significant professional contribution to date was teaching Cookie Monster and Gonger where peanut butter comes from on Season 49 of Sesame Street.


Listen in and learn about:
    • What led Casey to her involvement with conservation
    • The history of her family farm
    • Her work with the Flint River conservation district
    • What is innovative irrigation
    • Her involvement in the Urban Agriculture conservation program
    • How she is assisting with urban food insecurity issues
    • The feral swine project
    • Why is Georgia one of the top U.S. peanut producers
    • How are peanut farmers giving back to peanut allergy research
    • Her role in the Sesame Street episode
As well as:

Her failure – Experiencing the hurricane Michael disaster and the lesson of resilience and determination

Her success – Making the decision to return to the farm

Her drive – Being a land steward of the opportunities and connections she is blessed to have

Her advice – “In order to learn, push, and challenge yourself, you have to get out of the comfort zone.”

Casey’s Book recommendations: 

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

How to reach Casey:

Website: www.longleafridge.com

Facebook: @longleafridge

Twitter: @caseymco

Instagram: @longleafridge


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