755: Water Harvesting For Our Gardens – A Garden Chat
“Rain, Rain, go away?” Whoever said that never had to water a garden in the summer months. Join us as we chat with our good friend and water harvesting educator Don Titmus about boosting our water resources for our gardens with a few simple systems that can quickly pay for themselves.
746: Renee Dang on Rainwater Harvesting
Learning about collecting the rain and sharing the journey. Renee Dang wanted to learn more about Rainwater Harvesting, and as she jumped into researching this topic, she used her lack of experience to ask important questions that every new water harvester wants to ask. She explains how using this unique perspective, and her strength in technical writing, she works to help others understand a water sustainability option for any property that receives rain.
739: “Keeping Chickens, Goats and More in Your Backyard”
A Rosie on the House Radio Show. This is the March 2023 show discussing having your own urban farm. What is an urban farm, anyway? Learn how you can level up your participation in the local food economy by growing your own food. Greg talks about how to get started, different methods of…
733: You Too Can Have an Urban Farm
A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – This is the March 2023 show discussing having your own urban farm. What is an urban farm, anyway? Learn how you can level up your participation in the local food economy by growing your own food. Greg talks about how to get started, different methods of…
726: Rosemary Morrow on the Earth Restorer’s Guide to Permaculture, Part 2
Restoring planetary health and rebuilding after an impact. – This is the second part of Greg’s interview with Rosemary Morrow, a member of the first generation of what we now call the Permaculture Movement. We reached out to some of our friends in the permaculture community and asked, “If…
725: Rosemary Morrow on the Earth Restorer’s Guide to Permaculture
Restoring planetary health and rebuilding after an impact. – In this very special episode, Greg talks with Rosemary Morrow, a member of the first generation of what we now call the Permaculture Movement. Rosemary has decades of experience teaching permaculture all over the world and she shares…
723: Bodacious Garden
A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – This is the January 2023 show discussing how to grow your own BODACIOUS edible garden. Greg covers all the bases – sun, water, soil, and garden helpers. Plant your garden where it will get just the right balance of sun and shade by determining your garden’s solar aspect and observing…
718: Angelo Kelvakis on Indoor Garden Systems
Picking the best indoor garden for your needs. – In This Podcast: Angelo Kelvakis demystifies the hydroponic garden. The right garden can be a great investment in your health and wellbeing. Angelo helps take the guesswork out of choosing the garden that best fits your lifestyle. He’ll teach you how to…
698: Andrew Millison on The Permaculture Water Summit
Creating a hopeful future through how we manage our water. – Andrew Millison, an experienced and enthusiastic permaculture teacher, announces his upcoming online Permaculture Water Summit. He spells out the serious problems facing the world today, then shares his passionate belief that quick…
692: Fertilizing Through Irrigation
A Garden Chat with Scott Murray. – Watering your gardens is a step that we all need to do. Fertilizing is just as important, although sometimes not as easy to remember. Both chores can be done in a variety of ways and too many choices might prevent us from starting. Join us as we chat with our friend…