Don Titmus on What Is Permaculture

Permaculture is a way of thinking as well as a system of organizing intelligent ecological and ethical design. It does not focus on the elements of sustainability in themselves (for example the details of organic living, eco-building, appropriate technology, community building, green finance, or rainwater harvesting), but on the beneficial relationships between these elements. It goes further, focusing on how they are put together to make them as energy efficient and sustaining as possible, for people, the planet and our ecosystem.

What is Permaculture & The 2022 Phoenix Permaculture Design Course

Over 30 years ago a postcard landed in my mailbox about a Permaculture Design Course or PDC. To this day I am not at all sure how it found my mailbox, but I remember clearly standing in my front yard here at the Urban Farm reading it and getting chills. I immediately ran inside and …

626: Kevin Espiritu on Epic Gardening Growth

Getting Excited About Sharing Gardening Stories. — Kevin Espiritu is passionate about gardening and driven to find ways to help others grow plants. We are excited to have him return, this time to give us updates about both his personal and professional gardening endeavors. Kevin shares stories of new digs, new…

What is this gross stuff in my yard?

It can be a little unnerving to come across something that looks like vomit in your yard.  I had to do some serious double checking the first few times I saw in my yard since I do not have any pets that have access to the yard and researched this topic quite a bit.  Here is what is happening…

Farmer Greg under a tree

617: Water Harvesting At The Urban Farm

A Farmer Friday Reflection by Greg Peterson: Farmer Greg’s sustainable, regenerative water harvesting system has him singing in the rain, even in the desert. Greg explains where the water comes from and where it goes, and he gives details about how he collects and distributes it. He also gives a formula for calculating …

Farmer Greg under a tree

611: Caring for orchards with holistic biodynamic Tree Paste

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes:  Greg is excited to speak with Andrew Faust about biodynamic tree paste, a concept Greg learned about years prior, yet it is not widely discussed. Andrew is an expert on biodynamics and he educates us on this…