503: Tiffany Panaccione on The Basil Project.

Taking the initial steps to starting her own farm.

In This Podcast:

Returning guest, Tiffany Panaccione, is back for an update on her new basil farm. She discusses some of her early learnings on preparing greenhouse plants for a garden, when to plant outside of your area’s planting calendar, how she protects against pests, and theories on a mysterious overnight digger. Also, listen in for her experience attending the Earthship Academy, some of her mentors as she starts her farm, and why basil holds a special place in her heart.

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Our Guest:

Tiffany Panaccione Tiff is a Phoenix native with a gypsy soul. Her self-healing journey has sailed her around the world and right back home to her roots. With a strong craving and an inner calling to go deep within herself and simultaneously the dirt, she is now listening, learning, discovering, and planning to cultivate the gifts of the Sonoran Desert. After all, she wonders… is it really worth doing the “hard work” if it isn’t your heart’s work?   

Listen in and learn about:

    • Starting a garden or farm using “plugs”  
    • How to properly prepare greenhouse seedlings to be planted in a garden 
    • Earthship Academy and some of her learnings around meeting basic needs in a sustainable way 
    • How to get coaching for your farm from Greg 
    • The challenges and mysterious overnight digger she encountered 
    • Planting times and things to consider if you are experimenting with planting outside the calendar for your area 
    • Using foliar fertilizer and BT caterpillar killer on young basil to build its immune system 
    • Removing competitive weeds for young plants vs when you can leave the weeds as ground cover 
    • The 90-day vision for the basil once it gets about a foot tall 

As well as: 

Her childhood memory – Sunday dinners at her grandmother’s house and picking fresh basil from her garden for that night’s dinner. 

Her advice – Any advice you get, you choose whether to accept and put it into practice so don’t blame your decisions on others. 

Tiffany’s post on our Blog:

Healing – Doing the Heart Work

How to reach Tiffany : 

Website:  www.littletiffbigworld.com

Instagram: @littletiffbigworld

Email: Tiffany@littletiffbigworld.com 

Tiffany’s Previous Podcast: 

483: Tiffany Panaccione on Starting an Urban Farm Business.


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