746: Renee Dang on Rainwater Harvesting

Learning about collecting the rain and sharing the journey. Renee Dang wanted to learn more about Rainwater Harvesting, and as she jumped into researching this topic, she used her lack of experience to ask important questions that every new water harvester wants to ask. She explains how using this unique perspective, and her strength in technical writing, she works to help others understand a water sustainability option for any property that receives rain.

742: David Sands on Bamboo in Construction

Using to bamboo to help address the climate crisis. David Sands shares his journey from trying to be a better steward for the planet and how that evolved into him starting a business offering bamboo wood for building lumber. We learn why this is such a renewable resource and some of its unique aspects that can help as we seek solutions for the climate crisis.

731: Greg on Let’s Get Growing with Enoch Graham

Getting a view of how Greg got to ‘Urban Farmer’. – On today’s podcast I have a replay of my interview from the Let’s Get Growing You Tube Channel. I am so excited to have joined Enoch, Aisha, Michella and Mark for an amazing conversation and exploration of…

693: Paul Horner on Vermicomposting

Worms are people too. – When his previous industry ground to a sudden halt, Paul Horner decided to farm worms, and this unusual decision turned his life in a completely unexpected direction. His enthusiastic appreciation for the humble worm has fueled a passion for educating others about the value of…

671: Eric Andrews on Peace Tree Parks and Community

Engineering a Growing Community. – In the second of five episodes, we hear from Eric Andrews, who is using a forty-two-foot Growing Spaces growing dome to educate and inspire the members of his Detroit community. Eric’s excitement is contagious as he shares the incredible story behind the nonprofit he cofounded and tells us how…

670: Puja and Udgar Parsons on Growing a Green Business

Creating a sustainable greenhouse business in the 90’s. – In the first of five episodes, we hear from Puja and Udgar Parsons, the founders of Growing Spaces. They give us a peek inside their geodesic dome greenhouse kits, detailing how they work and describing the features that improve upon a…

617: Water Harvesting At The Urban Farm

Farmer Greg under a tree

A Farmer Friday Reflection by Greg Peterson: Farmer Greg’s sustainable, regenerative water harvesting system has him singing in the rain, even in the desert. Greg explains where the water comes from and where it goes, and he gives details about how he collects and distributes it. He also gives a formula for calculating …

579: Michael Kilpatrick on Starting a New Farm

Michael Kilpatrick. Episode 579 guest. Starting a new farm.

Helping others navigate the challenges of starting a new farm : Farming is often perceived as a career that requires long hours, little leisure and profit. However, Michael Kilpatrick spends every day working towards his vision working with farmers to create sustainable farming systems that generate…

577: Quita Jackson on Off-Grid Container Homes

Building small homes using thrifty resources. Our ancestors were the pioneers of the past that lived off the land and as society advanced, so did our way of life. Currently, we are living life unsustainably and creating waste along the way. However, Quita Jackson had a vision to revert back to living like the mothers before her and…

565: Donna Kilpatrick on Bringing Food Closer to Home

Helping others understand the value of small farms Large-scale farming is known to be labor-intensive and supports practices that are harmful to the natural environment. However, Donna Kilpatrick has spent much of her life’s work as a land steward, facilitating regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices to…

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