555: Mykl Nelson on Healthy Urban Soil

Can there be too much organic matter in your garden? Growing a healthy garden requires a good balance of healthy soil. Mykl Nelson had studied agriculture for several years and conducted soil analyses of multiple organic farms. What he discovered was a shocking truth about soil health. Listen in to learn about what is over-enrichment, acknowledging diverse soil conditions, and Mykl’s unbelievable solution that turns food waste back into high quality protein.

Urban Farm Fruit Tree Program Logo - Tree only

554: Greg Peterson and Janis Norton on The Fruit Tree Program

An invitation to an online fruit tree education event. It is that time of year for the upcoming annual Urban Farm Fruit Tree Education launch. Greg Peterson and Janis Norton discuss the highlights of the Urban Farm’s 2020 Fruit Tree Program and share an invitation to the first virtual kick-off event. Listen in to learn about when and where to find the the live online event, special bundle deals, and some quick tips on the selecting the best fruit trees for your backyard.

552: Seed Saving Class July 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. – In This Podcast: This is the July 2020 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing the current status of world seeds, utility patents, community based seed systems, and so much more on building diversity and resilience back into the garden.

551: Chloe Lieberman on Growing Calorie Crops

Farming corn and other small-scale staple crops. When one thinks of staple crops, what usually comes to mind is corn, wheat, and soybeans, yet Chloe Lieberman has worked with community farms around the world and discovered that there is an abundance of underutilized, calorie-dense types of crops. Listen in to learn about the value of…

549: Seed Saving Class June 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. This is the June 2020 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing difficult seeds to save, avoiding cross pollination, and so much more on creating a self-reinforcing breeding system for seed families.

546: Neal Bringe on Creating a New Squash.

546: Neal Bringe on Creating a New Squash

Playing with seeds and making history. When you treat your space like a nature sanctuary, sometimes you get botanical surprises! Neil Bringe teaches us about a new variety of Christmas Squash and the conditions he created to cross two varieties of squash to create…

544: Seed Saving Class May 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. This is the May 2020 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing seed hoarding, providing seeds to a community in times of need, and so much more about growing and creating seed resilience…

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

540: Brad Lancaster on Planting the Rain.

Teaching about the personal and community benefits of harvesting rainwater. – In This Podcast: Returning guest, Brad Lancaster, recently taught us about Harvesting the Rain and is back to teach about Planting the Rain. If you’ve ever considered capturing rainwater directly in your landscape…

539: Bryan Kappa on ChipDrop.

539: Bryan Kappa on ChipDrop.

Bringing green waste to your driveway. – In This Podcast: Organic matter builds soil, and Bryan Kappa has a free service that allows nationwide users to quickly build the quality of their soil. Learn about ChipDrop, the program that connects gardeners with tree companies and benefits everyone…

538: Erin Douglas on Sustainable Farming in Ghana.

538: Erin Douglas on Sustainable Farming in Ghana.

Supporting a teaching farm in Africa. – In This Podcast: Some people know their mission from a young age. Others, like Erin Douglas, find their direction as they go. With a desire to travel as her guide, Erin left her corporate job and traveled through Africa. An epic moment in Ghana inspired this novice…