The Garden Battle Plan: Defeating my Garden Nemeses

The Garden Battle Plan: Defeating my Garden Nemeses By Anne-Marie Miller Here in Dallas, Texas we had a very mild winter, which unfortunately means that my nemesis, the evil squash/stink […]
243: John Rowden on Planting for Birds

243: John Rowden on Planting for Birds. Determining which plants are best for specifically local ecosystems. – – – – John joined Audubon in 2009 when he was hired by […]
238: Mimi Arnold on Farm-to-Table, Resort Hotel Style

238: Mimi Arnold on Farm-to-Table, Resort Hotel Style. Building food and garden resources for an ocean-front, secluded ranch hotel. – – – – Mimi is a visual artist and garden […]
233: Colin Walker on Gardening with Ecology at its Heart

233: Colin Walker on Gardening with Ecology at its Heart. Focusing on a larger picture to understand how to effectively grow a good garden. – – – – Colin grew […]
225: Edward Griffin on Indoor Smart Gardens

225: Edward Griffin on Indoor Smart Gardens. Solving some space and time issues around growing fresh food. – – – – Edward graduated from Arizona State University in 2013 double […]
215: Suzanne Bontempo on Gardening without Pesticides

215: Suzanne Bontempo on Gardening without Pesticides. Contemplating the best options for:If, when, and what type of insect control to use in the garden. – – – – Suzanne has […]
211: Colin Austin on Wicking Beds and Healthy Food

We get to meet a gardening pioneer when Greg talks to Colin Austin who is known world-wide as the man who engineered a simple but highly popular garden bed called a wicking bed. Greg learns why Colin was motivated to create the beds and how the wicking process works. Then they go further to talk about why healthy food is so important to him and his family.
210: Don Titmus on a Synopsis of Permculture

210: Don Titmus on a Synopsis of Permaculture. Chat with a Permaculture Expert. – – – – Don grew up in London and at age 16 spent 4 years being […]
208: Chat with an Expert – Catherine "The Herb Lady" Crowley

Chatting with Herb expert Catherine Crowley about growing herbs and using them in cooking other beneficial ways. She and Greg explore many of the different unique and awesome aspects of a myriad of herbs that can be grown in the home gardens and urban farms, with a special emphasis on garlic.
200: Josh Trought on Community-Scale Permaculture Farming

Greg talks with Josh, a member of a permaculture farm community near Plymouth, NH and learns about living a resilient lifestyle from someone who is living a truly community-oriented and sustainable farming lifestyle.