Ray Speakman

527: Ray Speakman about Farming Instead of Retiring.

Starting an urban farm to keep young the later years. – In This Podcast: Have you ever wished for more gardening space? So did Ray Speakman when he took early retirement. But instead of just wishing, he recruited neighbors for their land and made his farming dreams a reality! Listen in to learn how he went…

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture.

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture

Seeking climate change solutions through sustainable farming investments. – In This Podcast: Want a way to combat climate change and make a good financial investment? David Chan explains the social and financial benefits of agricultural real estate investing. The FarmTogether system brings…

524: Neil Werde on Recognizing Quality Dog Treat.

524: Neil Werde on Recognizing Quality Dog Treats.

Breaking the mold on traditional canine snacks. – In This Podcast: As gardeners, we think of our health and the food we put in our bodies but have you thought much about what you feed your pets? We talked canine healthy treats with Neil Werde and got the inside scoop on the best ingredients and…

523: DaNelle Wolford on Making More with Goats.

523: DaNelle Wolford on Making More with Goats.

Maximizing farm production with a little help from some four-legged friends. – In This Podcast: Even if you live in a city, this podcast with DaNelle Wolford will have you checking your zoning regulations on backyard goats and pigs! Listen in to learn why she loves raising Nigerian Dwarf goats, all about…


Promoting Your Urban Farm Online

Promoting Your Urban Farm Online by John Lagoudakis. Selling your produce at a local market is a great place to start but that might not be an option for you, or you may not sell enough at the markets.What you could do is promote your produce online. In this article we are going to talk about some simple best practices to help you set up and promote your…

Quilen Blackwell on Urban Flower Farms

520: Quilen Blackwell on Urban Flower Farms

Encouraging youth to bloom through off-grid farming on vacant lots. – In This Podcast: We usually speak with food farmers, however, Quilen Blackwell is doing something so amazing with flower farming we needed to get him on the show! Learn why he chose to farm flowers over food, got…

519: Melissa Norris on Feeding A Family

519: Melissa Norris on Feeding A Family

Growing enough food to provide for a family of four all year. – In This Podcast: If you had to exist just from the food in your yard, what would you be eating? Melissa Norris would have very few lifestyle changes. She is a professional homesteader who grows and preserves enough fruits, vegetables…
