505: Eugene Trufkin on Changing to Better Diets.
Transitioning from factory farmed foods to healthy organic.
In This Podcast:
Many of us try to eat organic fruits and vegetables and pasture-raised meats as often as possible. However, due to marketing terms, we may not be eating what we think we bought. Eugene Trufkin, explains what the gimmicky packaging terms really mean, how that impacts your diet and body, and how to source high-quality meat and produce if you aren’t growing your own. Nutrition minded, healthy food visionaries will love the information in this episode!
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Our Guest:

Listen in and learn about:
- How to determine healthy foods and brands at the grocery store
- The difference between Omega 3 and 6
- Understanding gimmicky packaging terms and what they actually mean
- Where to get high quality meats that have been fed species specific diet
- Eatwild.com
- pubmed.gov
- Foods that cause inflammation and how that relates to disease
- Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished beef and what that means for the consumer
- Hydroponic vegetables and the nutritional limits
- Insight into the factory farming industry
As well as:
His failure – Not sticking to his core values and overworking himself.
His success – Living in line with his core values.
His drive – Enjoying learning and dynamic motion and movement
His advice – Do something you find meaningful!
Books written by Eugene*:
“Anti-Factory Farm Shopping Guide”
Eugene’s Book recommendations*:
“The Law of Success” by Napolean Hill
How to reach Eugene:
Website: trufkinathletics.com
Facebook: Evgeny Trufkin
Instagram: trufkin_athletics
Email: etrufkin@gmail.com