691: Seed Harvesting

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – Before you know it, all your crops will be going to seed. Rather than deadhead and “clean everything up,” learn how to be your own best seed detective. What are the characteristics of the plants from which you should be saving seed? How do you decide when and how to…

540: Brad Lancaster on Planting the Rain.

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

Teaching about the personal and community benefits of harvesting rainwater. – In This Podcast: Returning guest, Brad Lancaster, recently taught us about Harvesting the Rain and is back to teach about Planting the Rain. If you’ve ever considered capturing rainwater directly in your landscape…

515: Kerry Smith on Harvest for Health.

515: Kerry Smith on Harvest for Health.

Mentoring cancer survivors through backyard vegetable gardens. – In This Podcast: Anyone who gardens knows the benefits, but Kerry Smith is proving it with her Harvest for Health program for cancer survivors. This experiment partners the Alabama Master Gardeners with Auburn University to…

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

Maximizing the benefit of rainwater for both personal and community use. – In This Podcast: Have you ever considered capturing free water for your landscape? Brad Lancaster has pioneered rainwater harvesting in Tucson, AZ and around the world. He teaches how to reinvest rainwater into…

The Case for a Rewarding Garden Vegetable

The Case for a Rewarding Garden Vegetable by Jay Tracy. After investing years of work into trying to grow tomatoes and other finicky vegetables in my desert southwest garden, I often felt frustrated until I came across a vegetable that grows delicious fruit without much effort in areas where few other palatable vegetables thrive. Vegetable gardening does not need…

485: Jolene Kuty on Abundant Holistic Harvests

Creating a full circle food system that connects family and community. – In This Podcast: Wholistic living has taken on a whole new meaning for Jolene Kuty! Through learning about health, she went from eating cheese infused hot dogs to working as a chiropractic physician surrounded by her…

479: Katie Fiore on Apple Abundance

How to get creative with 80 pounds of fruit. — In This Podcast: We are back with returning guest and team member, Katie Fiore to talk about getting creative when your yard gives you an excess of food. While many people fear abundance, she embraces the creativity it allows and shares a different way to look at cooking…

461: Chris Rawley on Alternative Funding for Urban Farmers

Investing in small agriculture businesses. — In This Podcast: Production farming in America is not an easy business path to start on without some help or connections. Appreciating the value of farming after his travels in the US Navy, Chris Rawley realized these challenges farmers face when trying start or expand small-to-midsize farms and decided…

RECIPE: Beth’s Crazy Mesquite Cake

After attending Peggy Sorensen’s recent talk on mesquite, I tried making flour using a coffee grinder, and wanted to try it in a recipe.  So I adapted a crazy cake recipe (it’s also called wacky cake or depression cake, since the recipe originated during the depression when eggs, milk and butter were hard to come by).  I needed to make it gluten free, and since mesquite flour is so sweet, decided to try to omit the sugar (it worked!).

458: Stacey Murphy on Superfood Garden Summit

Bringing concentrated, jam-packed garden education to life. — In This Podcast: Her passion for bringing people together in educational garden summits is quite evident when you listen to Stacey Murphy tell us what she has planned this year. She explains why she started presenting her summits and…

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