479: Katie Fiore on Apple Abundance.
How to get creative with 80 pounds of fruit.
In This Podcast:
We are back with returning guest and team member, Katie Fiore to talk about getting creative when your yard gives you an excess of food. While many people fear abundance, she embraces the creativity it allows and shares a different way to look at cooking with apples in both the long and short term. You’ll also learn about the concept of a “Cool Tool” community shed for lesser-used harvest tools, as well as saving seeds and succession planting for seasonal abundance. Don’t Miss an Episode!! Click HERE to sign up for regular podcast updates
Our Guest:

Listen in and learn about:
- How one of Greg’s secrets to success is working for her fruit trees
- Shift your mindset to embrace abundance instead of avoiding it
- Get ideas on how to use your apple harvest
- Learn different methods and tools for maximizing your apple harvest
- How to create a community tool shed
- Canning using water and pressure canning with an instant pot **
- Flavors that pair well with apples so you can get creative
- Planning seasonally for abundance through successive planting
- Saving seeds to create a continuous food source
As well as:
- Her vivid childhood memory associated with food – How growing up with frozen vegetables inspires her to grow fresh food.
- Her advice – Don’t wait! The sooner you start, the longer you have to enjoy it.
How to reach Katie:
Website: adventuristaaz.com
Facebook: AdventuristaAZ
Instagram: @AdventuristaAZ
Twitter: @AdventuristaAZ
YouTube: AdventuristaAZ
Pinterest: AdventuristaAZ
Katie’s Previous Podcast:
452: Sweet Potatoes and Fruit Trees
Greg please investigate trying to can in an instant pot. It is unsafe. Temps can not maintain correct temps and pressure in an instant pot. This is not considered a safe canning practice.
Thank you for bringing up this important point. The Instant pot website is recommending their devices for boiling-water canning, not pressure canning and there are altitude considerations as well. The site states in BOLD that they “recommend to not use Instant Pot for pressure canning.”
If anyone is going to do boiling water canning in the instant pot, is our recommendation to just stick with the high-acid foods like fruit preserves or pickles due to the acid effect on botulism spores.
And, when in doubt – throw it out. If a canned food does not look or smell right, don’t take chances.
– Janis,
Urban Farm Manager.
Thank you so much, Judy, for pointing out what I was logging on to advise. Was very happy there is another safe canner out there willing to take the time to prevent someone else’s error.
I see that Janis, from the site, has responded and agreed with you. However, Janis, I don’t think most people that listen to this podcast will read the comments – perhaps there could be a correction STATED at the beginning of another podcast in hopes of catching the people that are going to follow that bad advice to use the Instant Pot?
BTW: The IP also sucks as a water bath canner as it can’t really get a good rolling boil, and it won’t fit more than maybe a few jars. The Instant Pot is a wonderful device but it’s NOT a canning tool – just not going to give you the secure seal and safe food in the jar that one needs.
I only pray that anyone that tries to take the show advice will read the book for the timing and find out it’s very unsafe. I just hope they don’t try to use the timing from a recipe or site without understanding the facts about pressure canning. The IP can not kill the botulism spores and one must always behave as if a spore exists on/in your food (even though the odds are it doesn’t) – EVERY canning – it’s the only way to be truly safe.
I love the podcast even though I’m waaaay north – there is still enough info to pick up something that will help, even way up here in the cold zones (born for cool zones, could never survive in Arizona).
Thank you Meghan and Judy for reaching out and clarifying about using the instant pot for canning! I haven’t had another harvest to can, so I had not yet looked into it. I’m sure anyone who is interested in trying it will also google it and see the warnings though. Thanks for watching out for all of our food safety!