705: How Do You Store Your Seeds
A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – “How do you store your seeds?” is the most asked question we get in all our educational programs. Our quick answer: keep your seeds cool, dark, and dry. That is the mantra. But there are a few other tricks of the trade to make sure that your seeds will germinate year…
572: Neil Boyd on Life on a Grain Farm
Farming in Northern Alberta Farming in Northern Canada can be challenging due to short growing seasons and soil so thick that only resilient plants survive. However, Neil Boyd understands the land better than most and he also knows the secrets…
479: Katie Fiore on Apple Abundance
How to get creative with 80 pounds of fruit. — In This Podcast: We are back with returning guest and team member, Katie Fiore to talk about getting creative when your yard gives you an excess of food. While many people fear abundance, she embraces the creativity it allows and shares a different way to look at cooking…
425: Katie Fiore on Sweet Potatoes and Fruit Trees
Building a living green mulch – After a long career in retail, Katie Fiore knew it was time for a change. Part of her future vision was a backyard full of fruits and vegetables. The other part was a flexible, fulfilling lifestyle educating others. Katie discusses changing her life direction at 37 years old, how…