479: Katie Fiore on Apple Abundance

How to get creative with 80 pounds of fruit. — In This Podcast: We are back with returning guest and team member, Katie Fiore to talk about getting creative when your yard gives you an excess of food. While many people fear abundance, she embraces the creativity it allows and shares a different way to look at cooking…

Making Cider the Stoic Way

Making Cider the Stoic Way by Guest blogger: Kanin Routson of Stoic Cider Listen to his podcast HERE [dt_divider style=”thin” /] In the Fall of 2006 the Flagstaff neighborhoods were […]

451: Brittney Schiff on Growing Food and Raising Animals

Having good clean fun on an urban farm. — In This Podcast: Awakening to the desire to grow their own fruits, vegetables, and meat, Brittney Schiff and her husband Stephen started with a few garden beds and chickens. Gradually this increased and they moved to a property that allowed them to…

199: Kanin Routson on Apple Tree Diversity

Greg was super excited to talk to Kanin and talk about the history of Apple Trees and find out why there is so much diversity in this very popular fruit tree. Kanin’s interest in apple orchards started young and prompted him to pursue his PhD to study this fruit tree even further.  Find out why and what he is doing now with all that research!!

184: Michael Phillips on Holistic Orcharding

Greg has found an east coast twin when he talks to a fruit tree farmer named Michael Phillips who has been growing apple trees in New Hampshire with a care that works for the health of the trees and the ecosystem in which they live. Michael grows and sells fruit trees and he focuses a lot of offering tree growing education as well.  He shares his main points of growing healthy fruit trees and explains why some of the steps are so beneficial to trees.

RECIPE: Apple Pie Jam

By Guest Blogger Connie Sumberg. Apple Pie Jam is a low-sugar or low-honey cooked jam made with Pomona’s Pectin. Pomona’s Pectin contains no sugar or preservatives and jells reliably with low amounts of any sweetener.

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