478: Matt Lebon on Foodscaping.

Transforming ordinary spaces into beautiful, food-producing landscapes.

In This Podcast:

Entering college without much direction, a life-changing experience in Paraguay helped Matt Lebon find his place in the global food system. Now, he runs a custom foodscaping company making spaces beautiful and edible. He share about hands-on education in permaculture and farm school as well the magical food moments his company helps to create. He gives insight into how gardens and orchards connect people to nature and how schools can use their foodscapes to teach science.

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Our Guest:

Matt LebonMatt is a proud St. Louis native with over ten years of farming and gardening experience. He got his start with farming as a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay, later going to study permaculture and work on several farms in Israel and Brooklyn, NY.  Then he became a practitioner and instructor on edible landscaping, organic agriculture, orcharding, and permaculture design.  He is most passionate about creating magical food moments in the everyday places we work, learn and play. His company Custom Foodscaping transforms ordinary spaces into beautiful, food-producing landscapes. They provide consultation, design, and installation services to create edible landscaping in your farm & garden.

Listen in and learn about:

    • Matt’s Peace Corp experience with rural farming in Paraguay  
    • Some things he learned about the global food system while in South America 
    • Permaculture Design Courses and Matt’s unique permaculture learning experiences 
    • Farm Schools and the learning experiences they provide 
    • Foodscaping: what it means and entails  
    • Using gardens and orchards in schools as a learning experiences for students 
    • His favorite magical food moment 
    • Using food as a gateway to connect with nature 

As well as: 

His failure – Understanding the value of his time as an expert and what he should charge for instead of giving it for free. 

His success – Creating jobs where people can work in foodscaping without owning a farm. 

His drive – Creating magical food moments for his neighbors and friends 

His advice –  Get out analysis paralysis and start planting and learning in the moment! 

Matt’s Book recommendations: 

Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre, and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City by Eric Toensmeier 

How to reach Matt: 

Website: customfoodscaping.com 

Email: Matt@customfoodscaping.com 

Support the Podcast:

If you would like to support our podcast and let us know you appreciate the work that we do, please consider a monthly or one-time donation! Visit https://www.urbanfarm.org/support-the-podcast/ for more details.


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