How to Host a Mini Seed Up

Sharing seeds with your friends and neighbors. Imagine walking into a room filled with over 100 varieties of seeds ready to literally be scooped up and taken home for planting or saving. This is exactly what the Great American Seed Up is all about. Although we can’t get together in big groups in person this year, sharing seeds is still possible. We’ve reorganized to create our Seed Up in a Box so that you can host your own Mini Seed Up with social distancing in mind.

556: Greg, Janis, Bill and Belle on Seed Up In a Box

Bringing bulk seed sharing to every community.The Great American Seed Up is a project designed to improve resilience through local seed saving and sharing. With the events of 2020, seed sharing cannot be done in large events so Greg, Janis, Bill & Belle chat about a new way for neighbors and groups to share seeds through the Seed Up In a Box Program.

Eleven Ways to Share Seeds

Sharing seeds is the key to strong community gardening. If you have extra seeds to share, here are 11 ways to help everyone get growing while still social distancing.

529: Seed Saving Class February 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. – In This Podcast: You don’t want to miss the February 2020 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing how to start plants from seed with special guest Kari Spencer. Listen in for methods of starting seeds, things to…

521: Seed Saving Class January 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. – In This Podcast: This is the January 2020 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing seed catalogs, sourcing local seeds, building community, seed diversity, and so much more…

Bonus Episode 30: Seed Saving Class Aug 2019

This is the August 2019 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing the art of saving your own seeds, the challenges, how to harvest, thresh and clean seeds on a small scale, and…

479: Katie Fiore on Apple Abundance

How to get creative with 80 pounds of fruit. — In This Podcast: We are back with returning guest and team member, Katie Fiore to talk about getting creative when your yard gives you an excess of food. While many people fear abundance, she embraces the creativity it allows and shares a different way to look at cooking…

477: Joe Yonan on Documenting the Culinary Experience

Conveying observations from the kitchen, the dining room, and the garden. — In This Podcast: Journalism and food have been major themes all throughout Joe Yonan’s life. In this podcast, learn about how he got involved with food at a very young age, his journey to food editor, and what a food editor actually does. Joe also shares about learning to …

Bonus Episode 29: Seed Saving Class July 2019

Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson

A chat with a seed expert. — In This BONUS Podcast: We join a replay of the July 2019 live Seed Saving Class conversation with Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson where they cover extreme seed saving, how out-of-normal temps affect plant pollination, adapting for temperature changes, and more…

Bonus Episode 28: Seed Saving Class May 2019

Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson

A chat with a seed expert. — In This BONUS Podcast: Once again we join a conversation with Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson to learn about growing from seed, growing for seed, and why our seeds are so important in these changing times. This is the replay of the May 2019 Seed Saving Class…

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