Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems
Farmer Greg Steps Out…On Redesigning Systems…: Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…
535: John Moody on Weed Suppression.
Controlling unwanted volunteers in our farms and gardens. – In This Podcast: Could weeds be friends? In some cases, John Moody thinks they are! John shares some of the knowledge from his book and experience on his homestead to help you determine what are beneficial weeds in the right…
Promoting Your Urban Farm Online
Promoting Your Urban Farm Online by John Lagoudakis. Selling your produce at a local market is a great place to start but that might not be an option for you, or you may not sell enough at the markets.What you could do is promote your produce online. In this article we are going to talk about some simple best practices to help you set up and promote your…
504: John Lagoudakis on Business Side of Urban Farms
Developing lead generation without giving up the farm. – In This Podcast: An online presence is important for any farmer or person in agriculture to share their products and knowledge. This episode’s guest, John Lagoudakis, professionally coaches businesses on reaching…
500: John Lee Dumas on Lighting Your Life on Fire
Moving others to taking the leap towards inspiration. — In this podcast: We normally focus on inspiring urban farming, but for our 500th episode, we wanted to educate on one way you can turn your urban farming passion into a business. John Lee Dumas is the creator of…
424: John Jeavons on Biologically Intensive Gardening & Farming (Part 2)
Plant personalities and crops everyone should grow – This is part 2 of a great interview as we continue our visit with John Jeavons. Part one of this two-part podcast discussed John’s journey into Biologically Intensive Gardening, crop planning strategies, and watering strategies. Today in Part two we…
423: John Jeavons on Biologically Intensive Gardening & Farming (Part 1)
Empowering people globally to build food security while using very little land – Biologically Intensive Gardening allows farmers to grow more food, with less water, in a sustainable way. In this podcast, we speak with John Jeavons who has been a Bio Intensive pioneer for over 50 years. An Arizona native, his books have made…