565: Donna Kilpatrick on Bringing Food Closer to Home

Helping others understand the value of small farms Large-scale farming is known to be labor-intensive and supports practices that are harmful to the natural environment. However, Donna Kilpatrick has spent much of her life’s work as a land steward, facilitating regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices to…

535: John Moody on Weed Suppression.

John Moody

Controlling unwanted volunteers in our farms and gardens. – In This Podcast: Could weeds be friends? In some cases, John Moody thinks they are! John shares some of the knowledge from his book and experience on his homestead to help you determine what are beneficial weeds in the right…

520: Quilen Blackwell on Urban Flower Farms

Quilen Blackwell on Urban Flower Farms

Encouraging youth to bloom through off-grid farming on vacant lots. – In This Podcast: We usually speak with food farmers, however, Quilen Blackwell is doing something so amazing with flower farming we needed to get him on the show! Learn why he chose to farm flowers over food, got…

513: April Bradham about Moving Produce through Food Banks.

513: April Bradham about Moving Produce through Food Banks.

Getting fruit and vegetables into and through a network of community support services. – In This Podcast: We know our food system is broken, however, the food bank system is surprisingly effective! April Bradford from the Arizona Food Bank explains how the local, state and national food banks distribute…

504: John Lagoudakis on Business Side of Urban Farms

Developing lead generation without giving up the farm. – In This Podcast: An online presence is important for any farmer or person in agriculture to share their products and knowledge. This episode’s guest, John Lagoudakis, professionally coaches businesses on reaching…

486: Clint Hickman on Building Community Sustainability

Clint Hickman

Honoring a family heritage of nurturing neighbors. – In This Podcast: Most people in Arizona are familiar with Hickman’s eggs, but there is so much more to this family-run business than eggs! Clint Hickman shares with us the evolution of egg farming and how his family business grew enough to feed Phoenix. He also explains all the side businesses…

405: Rhonda Sherman on Worm Farming

405: Rhonda Sherman on Worm Farming. Organically recycling through vermicomposting. Rhonda is an extension specialist in the Department of Horticultural Science at North Carolina State University, providing leadership for university […]

334: Kunal Sampat on Raising Backyard Chickens

334: Kunal Sampat on Raising Backyard Chickens. Knowing the joy of being a chicken parent. After living in urban neighborhoods for his entire life, Kunal wanted to experience a sustainable, […]

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