596: Patti Milligan on Saliva and the Immune System
Improving our body’s resilience to environmental and emotional stressors – This week we delve into the world of saliva research as we speak with Patti Milligan on the importance of healthy saliva production. Patti describes how our saliva production can be impacted by the foods we eat and when we eat those certain foods that create…
570: Matt Arthur on Bokashi Composting
Composting food anaerobically – Composting provides many benefits to the garden, yet, people hesitate to compost for various reasons, mainly the aggresive odors that come with the process. However, Matt Arthur is utilizing a composting system on his farm not common to…
568: Michael McMahon on the Fresh Food Collab
Improving access to adequate food for the Working Poor. The rise of COVID-19 sent the world into a panic as we saw grocery store shelves emptied across the nation. All of the sudden there was not enough food, distributors were tossing food, and food banks were constrained. However, Michael McMahon saw the problem and…
542: Paul Lightfoot on Local is the New Organic.
Bringing awareness to the value of local food systems. Picture buying salad greens at the grocery store that were just picked the day before. Paul Lightfoot from BrightFarms is making this happen in the stores around their farm. Passionate about getting fresh food to…
513: April Bradham about Moving Produce through Food Banks.
Getting fruit and vegetables into and through a network of community support services. – In This Podcast: We know our food system is broken, however, the food bank system is surprisingly effective! April Bradford from the Arizona Food Bank explains how the local, state and national food banks distribute…
492: Christopher Peterson on Urban Farming with Vets
Working with military vets to share urban farming skills. – In This Podcast: AOVS Urban Farm is much more than CSA and Farmers Market produce. The farm is home to veterans, and Christopher Peterson discusses the immense benefits for the veterans who work on the farm and the challenges of…
488: Chris Smith about Saving Seed Diversity
Documenting the many unique aspects in seed varieties. – In This Podcast: The Utopian Seed Project’s Chris Smith shares how they are focusing on bringing seed and food diversity to the south. They are currently testing southern crops such as cowpeas, heritage beans, and…
461: Chris Rawley on Alternative Funding for Urban Farmers
Investing in small agriculture businesses. — In This Podcast: Production farming in America is not an easy business path to start on without some help or connections. Appreciating the value of farming after his travels in the US Navy, Chris Rawley realized these challenges farmers face when trying start or expand small-to-midsize farms and decided…
Investing in our Food System
by Guest blogger: Chris Rawley — Like many kids from my generation, I grew up in the suburbs and ate frozen dinners in front of a boxy, wooden TV with a handful of channels. I didn’t know what was in my food, how it was produced, where it was grown, or who produced it. Then after college, I joined the…
459: Jason Bradford on Rural Living as our Future
Expecting that ruralization is the next evolution. – In this podcast: Studying the changes in where our populations are shifting, Jason Bradford is predicting the trend for moving to the urban cities is going to reverse. He breaks down why our energy dependency is indicating a reversal, why technology…