578: Zack Greene on Running a Quail Farm

Raising Coturnix Quail and distributing their eggs Self-sufficiency is steadily trending to be the new lifestyle where people are reverting back to homesteading practices of the past. However, Zack Greene followed a slightly different path of self-sufficiency that turned out to be…
577: Quita Jackson on Off-Grid Container Homes

Building small homes using thrifty resources. Our ancestors were the pioneers of the past that lived off the land and as society advanced, so did our way of life. Currently, we are living life unsustainably and creating waste along the way. However, Quita Jackson had a vision to revert back to living like the mothers before her and…
571: Seed Saving Class November 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. – This is the November 2020 class discussing seed health and your health, resurrecting ancient grains, and so much more on how saving seeds creates a healthy community.
Religion and Gardening

Religion and Gardening by Guest blogger: Lena RoosProfessor, Study of Religion Listen to her podcast HERE Growing food connects all religions In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus uses the image […]
390: Lena Roos on Religion and Gardening

390: Lena Roos on Religion and Gardening. Bringing together nature and theology. Lena is a Full Professor, teaching History of Religions in Stockholm Sweden. She is also an avid allotment […]