735: Your First Garden Is Your Worst Garden

A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Are you starting your first garden? Take heart!! Your First Garden is Your Worst Garden, and that means you can experience a variety of challenges, setbacks, excitement, and successes too. Let’s talk about these and what comes next. Join Emily Rockey and…
724: Phyllis Stiles on the Bee City USA Program

Appreciating the variety of pollinators that visit our gardens. – Phyllis Stiles is someone who loves to create a buzz about pollinators. She became fascinated with bees when she started keeping her own, and that led to an appreciation of and sense of responsibility for all pollinators. As she became aware of the problems they face, she decided to do something…
683: Pollinators & Wildflowers

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – A diverse and integrated garden requires many different elements. Top on that list are pollinators and wildflowers. If you have a robust flower component to your cultivated gardens, so much of the extra workload is handled by these workhorses as they…
664: Growing Flowers to Love Your Veggies

A Garden Chat with Lisa Ziegler. – Every vegetable garden can benefit from having beautiful flowers in and around the area. Beautiful blooms can boost the aesthetics and add a wide pallet of colors. Some flowers can repel unwanted pests, and some flowers can bring in healthy pollinators. Some flowers are even…
649: Jennifer McGuinness on Micro Food Gardening

Growing compact and bountiful gardens in the smallest of spaces. – Jennifer McGuinness’ contagious enthusiasm for gardening will have you pining to grow something. No space? No problem! Jen has found creative ways to grow food in small spaces. She gives us a taste of the small space gardening projects we’ll find…
635: Rebugging Your Farm and Garden

A Farmer Friday interview with Vicki Hird: Vicki Hird reminds us that it is possible to have bugs without having a bug problem. In fact, when it comes to bugs, the more you have in your garden the better! Vicki provides information about the beneficial roles that bugs play and she tells how to…
626: Kevin Espiritu on Epic Gardening Growth

Getting Excited About Sharing Gardening Stories. — Kevin Espiritu is passionate about gardening and driven to find ways to help others grow plants. We are excited to have him return, this time to give us updates about both his personal and professional gardening endeavors. Kevin shares stories of new digs, new…
427: Zachery Berry on Edible Cacti

Savoring the delicious tastes of thorny cacti – Zachery Berry from the Homestead Cactus Sanctuary teaches us about the edible cacti that grow naturally in Arizona. Listen in to learn about growing cacti at home and when and how to harvest…
415: John Brubaker on Micro Urban Farming

From green lawns to green vegetables – As his wife and youngest daughter began struggling with celiac disease, John Brubaker believed that the pesticides used on vegetables were perhaps weakening their immune systems. This was his entry into organic urban farming. He began small with…
410: Lloyd Hardrick on Keeping Urban Bees

Building up a better buzz on bees – Walking by Lloyds of London with his wife Ashley, Lloyd Hardrick was intrigued by the beehives in the windows of the famous bank that shared his name. Curiosity led to research and research led to the career path that Lloyd and Ashley ventured on…